Yeah, the end of Season 2 actually reflects back on the whole theme of the season - the moral grey area that Angel inhabits in his role of warrior, and how in a world where everything is black and white (typical Joss/ME idea that Buffy/Angel invented moral ambiguity in fantasy/sci-fi/horror, but we'll let that slide), Angel couldn't function (because he becomes either/or, rather than the hybrid he normally is). It also sets up a lot of stuff for Wesley in that we see that he's willing to make hard choices when he feels a cause is at stake (sending some of the rebels on a suicide mission), which of course is what he does, however wrongly, when he (do we need SPOILERS here...........?) kidnaps Connor. And of course it introduces Fred, who will come between Wes and Gunn...
Anyway, Season 3 - just seen the videos, and how good? From about a third of the way on it's just one solid arc with only a few filler storylines, and it's great. I love the Holtz/Justine relationship as a dark, twisted version of the Watcher/Slayer roles (he's even English...) - and I love the way that so many of the principle characters are just ordinary humans - there's no 'Big Bad' - Sarzjan or whatever his name is hardly qualifies... And whilst Buffy has had betrayal storylines, they always revolved around characters going 'evil', even if temporarily - that's not what happens with Wes.
And I didn't expect, but goddam I love teenage hellboy Connor, from the moment he makes his entrance, somersaulting through that portal, casually offing that demon and then... point stake-gun, say "Hi Dad." He's so cool. It's the way he can look cherubic and sinister in turn - and the English accent is a really nice touch which should be obvious but could easily have been missed. Plus, the speed he has - it's quite clever to have him just freakishly fast and tough after all the emphasis on him being a normal, healthy, non-demon baby originally... |