Jeffrey - Film of the play, Steven Weber, Michael Weiss (who's incredible - anyone remember him from The Pretender, the X-Files/Quantum Leap hybrid TV series?) and Patrick Stewart. Guy terrified of AIDS falls for a guy who has it. Funnier than it sounds by far.
Trigger Happy - Jeff Goldblum, Richard Dreyfuss, Gabriel Byrne, Ellen Barkin, Kyle MacLachlan and Burt Reynolds, and more, in a surreal gangster movie in which the story may be happening, or may be all in Richard Dreyfuss' character's head. It's funny as fuck, especially Byrne's 'Brass Balls' Ben London.
Quick Change - Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid. The heist's pulled off without a hitch in the first twenty minutes, for a change. Now all they have to do is get out of New York.
Mallrats - I know, I know. Let's not get into this again... But I love it, hardly anyone else seems to, so it fits the thread desacription.
Hudson Hawk - It's supposed to be shite! And plotless! And over-acted, implausible and goofy! It was Brooce's idea! It's great!
Midnight Run - Who would have thought De Niro and Charles Grodin would make such a perfect comic pairing? Popcorn, but fucking good popcorn.
Primal Fear - Not sure if this counts as underrated, bearing in mind that it's Ed Norton's debut... but what a gorgeous movie. Hairs rise on the back of my neck when Norton makes the switch. Every time.
The New Nightmare - Genuinely creepy, references the first movie perfectly, and actually manages to make Freddy Krueger scary again, while apologising for the unbearable shiteness of most of the other movies, and incorporating said shiteness into the plot. Let down by truly awful effects in the last ten minutes, unfortunately.
Fallen - if you ain't seen it, see it. It's luvverly. Denzel Washington in a nicely effective horror-lite thriller, with a couple of incredible scenes.
[ 29-09-2001: Message edited by: Jack The Bodiless ] |