A Christopher Walken Anecdote:
I met a guy who was doing production work on the set of Prophecy 3. There was one scene set in a small plaza, with a fountain in the center; whenever they weren't actually shooting film, Walken would just stand and silently stare at the fountain. He'd be acting, they'd say 'Cut', bang - he's looking at the fountain. 'Action' - bang, he's back in character, acting away.
Midday, the director calls for lunch break. Immediatly, Walken strides over to the fountain, strips down to his underwear, climbs into the fountain, and immerses himself up to his nose. He spends the entire lunch break like that, just his eyes peering over the surface of the water, watching everyone going by.
When the director calls the break over, Walken calmly climbs out of the fountain, dries off with a towel someone hands him, dresses, and walks toward the set. On the way he passes (the guy I met, can't remember his name), and says (you have to imagine the Christopher Walken voice here):
"For lunch, I was a crocodile." |