"Well, it is just an ad, after all... A mildly diverting 30 seconds or so"
Well, that's the problem. As Flyboy says, the thing plays like you're meant to get some great emotional whoosh from the 'escape into infinite possibility' or whatever. For that to work (for me anyway), I'd have to give a toss about the two characters making the escape, which is difficult given that all we've got to work with is a lumpy face, some messy hair and a meaningful look. The last people I want to see achieving fulfillment and zooming off to the stars are a couple of bloody models from Dazed and Confused.
Would be great as the climax to a film with proper characters you can sympathise with etc, just doesn't work in an ad.
[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Saveloy ] |