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Stargate SG1

20:02 / 04.09.01
Am I a sad cretin for actually liking this?

I thought it would be crap, like Highlander, but it really is good, characters, stories, dialogue, Richard Dean Anderson being all sarcastic and all.

For some reason, I find it hard to pinpoint what I like about this show, but it's much better than any other Sc-Fi programme around at the moment.

Anyone else a fan?
09:26 / 05.09.01
Hey Ellis, actually I agree with you, and I think Stargate SG1 is one of the most under-rated SF shows on TV.

I like most of the characters, there's been a good bit of development with them all.

I also like the interaction of the various races with the Humans - in particular the way the Tocra never give the SG1 team what they're looking for (cool weapons).

I'm very fond of O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), because he's a solider, and that's what he does, and he acts like one. Carter is probably the best role model for a woman in SF on TV. Smart and confident, and she's given a decent role and character that doesn't mean she has to prance around in a revealing costume. Oh, and Teal'c - the man is a master of understatement.

I'm not too gone on Daniel Jackson. Oh, and those Tocra costumes? At least they get their eye candy in via the alien races.

And Thor, where's the hammer?
09:38 / 05.09.01
thank christ i'm not alone in likin' this show, wow, yeah i dig it watch it every week and all, now my question is, did anyone else ever watch 7days? that show kicked ass for scifi too, at least in my lil head
09:38 / 05.09.01
i didn't like the stargate film - thought it was just an action-adventure thingy that missed all the opportunities the series is taking. i LOVE the series! as far as sf goes, the only thing that comes close is star trek next generation, and early x-files (could start a whole new thread with the abuse i'd like to hurl at duchovny and anderson for the shite shows they directed). voyager i like even tho it's mostly just a soap opera in space and deep space 9 has totally disappeared up its own arse.
10:49 / 05.09.01
The real reason this is great(apart from Teal'c line in comedy "indeed"s) is the fact that the story continues to unfold.They constatntly return to races and characters that they've met before and that makes the whole story that much more richer.
I still balk sometimes at O'neills amazing diplomacy skills.shoudln't he be made be quiet until daniel has made friends with whatever race their meeting instead of hime mouthing off all the time?
A minor quibble , forgive me.
Tom Coates
10:54 / 05.09.01
I think Star Trek TNG is the best analogue - it's a series with a clear remit and potential for a developing storyline which hasn't been clouded by endless hacks and innumerable additional franchises. More to the point it actually includes some interesting pieces of anthropology, ACTUAL SCIENCE FICTION (weird I know) and decent compelling characters. Plus, you know, cool premise!
11:19 / 05.09.01
quote:Originally posted by shortfatdyke:
i would like to see the series through to the end

Trust me, you don't.
johnny whatif
11:41 / 05.09.01
I liked Stargate (the movie), but i like SG-1 more... I think it's something to do with the continuity - if they make enemies in ep. 4, they're still enemies and they come back to wreak their revenge in ep.15, y'know?

The characters are believable, the dialog is snappy (but not too snappy), and the plots aren't usually as contrived and predictable as, say, ooh... Voyager.

It rarely gets as good as i think it could be, but inbetween the flashes of truly *excellent* scripting, the baseline quality level is higher than most action/sf shows.
11:46 / 05.09.01
I want to see the hell people again, they were only in one episode if I remember, where they are trying to break down the gate Iris by heating it. Seth was it?
19:07 / 05.09.01
Ummm... What was that about?


The last episode I saw, which I thought was the season finale, was when they were in the Asgard ship and were going off to fight the mechanical spider creatures...
13:03 / 06.09.01
Wasn't it chronos heating the iris , as he wanted the sgc to hand over apophis?
He definitely reappears later.Don't want to spoil it for you.
15:40 / 06.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Ellis:

The last episode I saw, which I thought was the season finale, was when they were in the Asgard ship and were going off to fight the mechanical spider creatures...[/QB]

They're called replicators, and are quite cool. That was the finale for season three. Sky (in the UK/Ireland) just re-showed the season finale for season four last night. They'll be showing season five pretty soon.
01:49 / 07.09.01
i gotta sya "yay another person on this board that likes voyager" HUZZAH! that makes TWO! yeah 7days started out TERRRIBLE but got better, well it's either ace or crap, but it's over now, so oh well.. yeah stargate is revisits old story lines and all, it just pisses me off that they rerun them in messed up orders... grrr, IF THERE'S CONTINUANCY THEN RERUN THEM IN ORDER ARG.... sigh... okay i'm better now
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:07 / 02.10.04
Ouch ouch ouch! Just seen the SG season eight/Atlantis season one promo on Sky and things do not look at all good. The 'meet the characters of Atlantis' section introduced a bunch of tossers who seem to be exploring new depths of cliche and I'm not convinced by what they show of these new bad guys. And as at no point do they mention the presence of Robert Patrick I presume he gets killed off in the first episode to show how bad ass these guys are. Still, set-wise it looks fairly pretty. And looking on the internet it doesn't appear to have been cancelled yet...
12:44 / 03.10.04
No, actually Atlantis is doing well. I've seen three episodes (here and there) and it's okay. Right now the best thing they have are the characters. The plots are pretty lame but the characters, although cliché, are still pretty cool.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:05 / 05.10.04
Goes to show, never trust a season promo because the season opener was quite a good one. I wondered how they were going to top the threat of the most powerful Go-uald ever last season, and they've rather cleverly dealt with it by not trying, instead reminding us that even your bog standard snake is powerful enough to destroy the world. Plot two with the replicators is less interesting as they've been crapper with each subsequent appearence and their human forms really weakened them. But in many ways SG-1 is like Claremont in just continually returning to a previous theme and running it again and again.
21:48 / 17.07.05
First episode of the new season just aired. It's practically a reboot, but not quite. Ben Browder from Farscape takes over as the new leader of currently-disbanded SG-1. His first task: attempt to recruit as many of the former members as possible.

I really enjoyed it, possibly just because I loves the socks off Browder, but it was damn good fun with a good, old-fashioned, classic cliffhanger.

Claudia Black, also of Farscape (keep 'em coming!), was clearly having a blast as some sort of sexed-up, sarcastic intergalactic thief.
04:46 / 18.07.05
I've been really enjoying both the Stargates. Last season Atlantis was my favorite of the two but if Ben Browder Claudia Black remain regulars I'll probably end up liking SG-1 more. They're just so much fun to watch... but then again so is Shepard and McKay over in Atlantis.
uncle retrospective
07:03 / 18.07.05
I'm working my way through SG1 from the first season and I'm surprised just how good it is. I would catch a few ep's on Sky and thought it was fine but nothing amazing. Boy I was wrong. From the get go they start building up a strong plot arc, with even planet of the week stories coming back and becoming far more intresting as the layers got added to it.
That and I want to be Jack.

In case anyone is intrested DVD soon has each of the first 5 seasons for Can$36:00. That's almost free in real money.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:26 / 19.07.05
Hang on, SG-1 has been disbanded? When did this happen?

Last year things worked best with seeing SG: Atlantis as the primary show and SG-1 supporting them, that awful mid-season show with the Shankster and some evil intergalactic skank on their spaceship when they are supposed to be flying towards Atlantis, then going back to the past to get the ZPM...

But SG-1 shark-jumped several years ago and has been dumping characters left, right and centre. They've killed all the big Go'ulds, Anubis is gone, the Jaffa have their own planet, hopefully the tedious Replicators have been finished off for good, so I'm not sure what there's left for them to do.
15:09 / 19.07.05
It’s been disbanded… all the characters want to move on but Mitchell (Ben Browder), the new team leader, is trying to convince Carter, Teal’c, and Daniel to stay (and they refuse) until Vala (the intergalactic skank i.e. Claudia Black) practically kidnaps Daniel (again)preventing him from going to Atlantis (again). I really don’ t think the old cast is going to be around for long. Their stories are done and even the characters themselves want to move on. So I think next season will start with a whole new team lead by Mitchell, and hopefully will include Vala.
15:26 / 23.07.05
Man, I know this is an SG-1 thread but I have to proclaim my love for Stargate Atlantis. I love Sheppard and McKay! I love that little alien muttering under his breath. I think this is quickly becoming my favorite show on television! (How sad is that?)
14:33 / 02.08.05
I just saw the season 2 premier for atlantis and: what that fuck?! it was awesome. that must be some record for number of nuclear explosions for one episode. great action, great graphics and great development.

i love the twist with ford's character. any canadians might recoginize ford as a former much music veejay. so we know that the man is far more deadly with a timeslot full of britney spears than his M4.

sooooo, how closely related are sg1 and atlantis? i haven't seen much of the new sg1, is helping atlantis a big deal, or is it barely mentioned?
15:13 / 02.08.05
Yeah, I love that they were beaming nukes onto the Wraith ship! Um, SG-1 and Atlantis are more closely tied than say Buffy and Angel but you can still watch one and not the other... SG-1 mentions Atlantis a lot (cause Daniel Jackson is always trying to get to Atlantis but keeps missing the ships. In this case he missed the Daedalus, which you saw nuking everyone.)and both show are dealing with the Ancients in a big way. Also it's not so much that they're trying to save them as they're trying to send them reinforcements.
22:56 / 02.08.05
Episode three of SG1 definitely established that Mitchell and Crichton are not too far removed from each other. To which I say hooray. That whole scene where he took SG-12 out to find the alien messiah was hilariously Crichton, from the story of his Bible thumping grandma to translated the alien messiah's words into Buckeroo Banzai's quotes.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:40 / 03.08.05
Grime- It certainly cropped up a number of times throughout the last season of SG-1, before 'can't act but looks kinda cute' from Farscape turns up. One of the standing orders were about trying to make contact with the Atlantis mission, there were a couple of episodes where they were looking for ZPM and they even started flying their spaceship in that direction until things went wrong, in an episode I've almost managed to forget except that I remember it makes 'Hathor' look like a sensitive and understanding look at the male/female dynamic (seriously, don't make me remember, it was awful). And the two-part finale was all about going back in time to finally succesfully retrieve a ZPM, which was then used to send troops to Atlantis in time for the last episode of season one of that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:19 / 03.08.05
I can't decide whether giving roles to actors from better, now cancelled science fiction shows makes Snoregate SG-1's inexplicable longevity more or less painful.
16:49 / 04.08.05
holy shit, glee overload.

thanks for the sg1 info everyone! Knowing now that the sgc on earth was trying to contact them makes season one of atlantis so much better. The appearence of the ship and the reinforcements and the zpm on atlantis had felt very deus ex machina to me before. but knowing that this was all being developed parrallel to the atlantis arc makes it much more interesting.

i never thought i'd reach this point, but i now need sg1 dvds. but atlantis 2-2 is sitting on my tv on demand . . . and i can't wait!

ps: sorry flyboy, stargate wins again!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:29 / 13.03.07
God, that last episode makes me feel so much pain for wasting all that time over ten years watching that show...
Lama glama
22:51 / 13.03.07
Spoilers etc;

I thought it was kind of sweet (in the saccharine way, not the Eric Cartman way). Sure, it was clichéd and hoary, but it was still touching and had a sufficiently interesting plot and some nice character moments (Daniel's unreasonable explosion not withstanding). Granted, the resolution where everybody survives thanks to Samantha's ingenious plot (how many times have they been saved by her now, hm?), was cheap and silly, but that's what SG-1 is.

I'm a little peeved that we have to wait 7-ish months for the resolution to the Ori/Ba'al plot though. Plus, space opera straight to DVD movies generally don't live up to the parent show's quality. See also, every Babylon 5 movie ever.

Also, at least we get Carter in season 4 of Atlantis.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:31 / 14.03.07
The rot set in when Osiris destroyed Abydos with a fantastically powerful weapon that was never mentioned again. After that the stakes got so high as to be absurd and people were killed off left right and centre without rhyme or reason (remember when Jacob Carter suddenly announced that he'd failed to mention that his symbiote was actually dead and then kicked the bucket?), plus the number of times new superweapons were discovered, the Antarctic outpost, the Replicator destroying weapon on the Jafar homeworld, Merlin's weapon...
07:00 / 14.03.07
It was kind of upping the ante again and again, wasn't it?

There are some fantastic reviews over on; some are sweet, some are a little creepy, some are both, but I figure if I had devotedly followed a TV show for nine seasons I would be writing such things when it ended.

There's also the fact that there's apparently this to consider; when one thing ends, another begins, etc, etc...
Tom Coates
10:01 / 14.03.07
The last couple of seasons have been pretty appalling. Lots of highly game-like structured narratives, 'they're looking for something, they follow some clues and get to X place and then Y happens. It's got something to do with the Grail', but I generally have a lot of affection for Stargate as a series. It was one of the first sci fi series in a substantial period of time to actually keep a decent grasp on its internal continuity, bringing in characters and events from previous episodes, remembering things that had happened in the past, constructing interesting plot arcs.

The big problem with it recently has been Battlestar Galactica, which—bluntly—turned up and swiftly knocked it into a cocked hat. Once you'd seen the first season and a half of BSG, really anything they did on Stargate was going to look cheap, clumsy, trite and uninvolving. Somehow Atlantis' more fantasy-like temperament has helped it through. It's very clearly a different show and somehow doesn't look as cheap, even as it has had some really bad bad episodes.

I'll miss Stargate. I liked the universe. It's kept me company a long time, but—as with Buffy—probably time to shed a skin or two and move on.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:10 / 14.03.07
Whereas over at the season end of Stargate: Atlantis, it's again with the Replicators. While it's good that they aren't facing another imminent attack by the Wraith, the Replicators are immensely dull and what was a once good idea ruined by being updated and made more powerful. They should have forgotten about them ages ago.
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