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Buffy, Season 5: Dawn?!

20:52 / 02.09.01
So who wants to tell me what's up with Dawn, without giving any spoilers beyond the second episode?

What's their excuse for lines like "It's nt like she hasn't grown up in this house"?!

It makes no sense!
09:19 / 03.09.01
beats me, I just found out spike has a v-chip in his head
09:41 / 03.09.01
Trust in Joss.... trust in joss...
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:41 / 03.09.01
It's impossible to explain Dawn without giving away spoilers after the second episode.

Let's just say: yes, you're right, all of a sudden Buffy has a younger sister, and everybody in the show thinks she has always had a younger sister (you know what I mean...). We know she hasn't. So what's going on? Who's been fiddling about with reality, or people's memories?

Wait and see...

p.s. Spike has a chip in his head because the Initiative, the secret government/military anti-demon squad, put it there when they captured him halfway through season 4. He can't hurt or try to hurt humans without feeling excrutiating pain.

[ 03-09-2001: Message edited by: The Flyboy ]
rizla mission
09:41 / 03.09.01
bu - but .. I thought Spike got his chip removed at the end of the last series?

As for Buffy's sister, I predict she turns into a monster of some description within three weeks.

And I hope Buffy's boyfriend gets it in the neck - he's a waste of space.

And what's happened to Giles' singing career?
10:29 / 03.09.01
quote: As for Buffy's sister, I predict she turns into a monster of some description within three weeks.

That makes you the Numpty Nostradamus.

Numpty Nostradamus, Numpty Nostradamus!
Spatula Clarke
12:22 / 03.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Rizla Year Zero:
bu - but .. I thought Spike got his chip removed at the end of the last series?

Nope. Adam didn't remove it as Spike didn't manage to do anything for him.
rizla mission
08:40 / 04.09.01
But I'm sure I remember in the season finale he was beating up a whole bunch of people, and our heroes said 'hey, Spike's back to normal' and he said 'yeah, but I'm on your side now' (well, words and gestures to that effect anyway).

Don't tell me I dreamed it .. damned TV continuity..
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:52 / 04.09.01
You might be getting confused by the episode where Spike says "I'm back, and I'm a bloody animal!" after discovering he can hurt demons and vampires and things. It dos get kinda confusing because he decides to fight evil things just so he can have something to fight, then works against Buffy and friends because Adam has promised to get the chip out of his head, then switches back at the end... His motivations/role get even more complicated in season 5, as you will see. But he still has the chip.
08:52 / 04.09.01
Yeah, I watched the end of Season 5 again the other day, and I'm pretty sure you must be referring to the beating up demons thing. Adam definitely does not remove Spike's chip; so no continuity errors there.

And as for this:

quote:It makes no sense!

Come on, lad! It's supposed to make no sense! Suspense, drama, weirdness and all that...

Everything will be explained in time. Did you think this was some Dallas style deal? Are we watching the same programme? When has Whedon ever given you a reason to be so cynical?


I think I've found a new use for dance fighting.

You'll like this series, it fucking rocks. And has some very funny moments too.

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: runt ]
01:43 / 05.09.01
Actually. There is no chip. There never was a chip. Wasn't it obvious?
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:39 / 05.09.01


Is that akin to Drusilla's theory? I do quite like the idea that maybe the chip shorted out after the Initiative got trashed, and he's been Pavlov's Vamp ever since...

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: The Flyboy ]
12:30 / 05.09.01
I heard that theory, too. Definitely seems on the money. Do you think Spike has passed the point of no return? Will he ever munch another neck? And do you think he should?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:45 / 05.09.01
Lots of Spoilers for season 5 of Buffy and season 2 of Angel ahead...

I reckon the bit in 'Crush' where Drusilla breaks the woman in the Bronze's neck and tosses her corpse to Spike to drink from is really telling: the look he gives her is appalled. And then he goes ahead and bites in, because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do at that point. Equally, in 'Triangle' he happily tells the troll where he might find some babies to eat - because it obviously doesn't really occur to him that this is wrong.

Spike has no moral compass. He has people he likes (any Summers woman, and secretly I think most of the Scoobies as well), and he'll often do what he thinks is the right thing because he's trying to make an impression. The funny thing is, this makes him one of the most human characters in the series. The supposed metaphysics of the show don't matter anymore: Spike has no human soul, but it's been shown that non-human, demonic creatures aren't always evil. If and when he gets over the chip thing, he won't just go back to his old ways. Let's not forget that Angel had a period at the turn of the century when he was feeding off murderers and stuff even though he had a soul, just to try and stay with Darla (retroactively revealed in series 2 of Angel, with the implication that he lied to Buffy about this).

One of the interesting things about the BUffy world is that at first, it was established that humans were good and needed protecting, vampires were bad and needed slaying. The later series have shown that it isn't quite that simple - even that these roles must sometimes be reversed (see: the Knights of Byzantium).
14:14 / 05.09.01
I’ve read a lot of letters/articles where people state Spike has lost his edge. expressionless says: bullshit. He has more of an edge at the end of the fifth series than he ever has before. He’s certainly the most intriguing and developed character in Buffy besides Buffy (and to be honest, I resent her because of the screen time she gets. I know it’s “her” series, but the rest of the characters are sometimes left suffering as ciphers). Actually, Giles has been well drawn in season five.
Jay Future
13:46 / 06.09.01
Will Angel Series 2 be shown in the UK and if so will it be on Channel 4?
Chubby P
14:48 / 06.09.01
I read in a TV guide that Angel Series 2 had not been picked up by Channel 4. It went on to say that no-one has the terrestrial rights to it yet.
Jack The Bodiless
16:55 / 06.09.01
Help me out here. Do I spend £120 next month in buying Buffy season five and Angel season two, and rely on sex for fun? Or do I go out and have fun, also have the sex, but no new Buffy and Angel goodies to watch?

Or do I get a second job, do both, but get fuck all sleep?
20:32 / 06.09.01
Why not buy one box set each month? Or is that too sensible? That way, by the time you've finished re-watching everything, Sky One will be about to start seasons 6/3.
rizla mission
08:47 / 07.09.01
Last nights episode kicked ass.

The most brazenly half-arsed demon in the series yet, two Xanders, plot holes a mile wide, some slapstick antics with Giles and a fertility god statue and less of the boring relationship crap than usual.

More like that please!
Tom Coates
08:50 / 07.09.01
You get the box sets and give up on human company and consider the deal to be a no brainer. Much like I did...
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:56 / 07.09.01
The one they showed last night with the two Xanders always makes me feel a bit weepy (but then so do a lot of them). It's just so... re-affirming. You've always had the cool bastard inside you, etc...

Plus, the first cracks in the Buffy/Riley relationship begin to show... *rubs hands in glee*
Chubby P
08:58 / 07.09.01
The two Xanders in last nights episode were played by Nicholas Brandon and his identical twin brother. No clever photography was required.
11:29 / 07.09.01

Now, you know that bit where Giles mentions "ignoring Anya's talk" (re threesomes with the two Xanders), now, I'm not sure, but I think there was an edit there.... I think it should've been "sex-talk", but I can't quite be sure. My memory isn't that good.

God, when you know the editing's there it really does your head in.

"No! No! We can't have our children hear the word 'sex'! They will grow pubes and fat with pregnancy and die!"

I'm going to watch the unedited version tonight just to make sure.
Regrettable Juvenilia
01:11 / 09.09.01
Watched the last few eps of season 5 earlier tonight. 'The Gift' is possibly one of the greatest 45 minutes of television I've ever seen - despite having a plot that makes no sense at all (I'm talking about the ritual and how it gets stopped - nonsense, I tell you, but we can argue about that later).

The bit that really got me, apart from the end (obviously), was:

"I got so lost..."

"I found you. I'll always find you."

Waaaah! *bawls eyes out*
Jack The Bodiless
05:11 / 09.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
You get the box sets and give up on human company and consider the deal to be a no brainer. Much like I did...

Oy, you jump in the fire, I'm supposed to do that too?

And I can't just buy one a month, little one... it's against god and nature.
10:46 / 09.09.01
quote:"I got so lost..."

"I found you. I'll always find you."

We are bitches, but...... Whaaaa! Whaa! Whhaaa! too.

I fucking love Willow: a rock I tell you, a rock....



It turns out they cut the threesome talk to shit. It was sooo funny in a "urrgh, I don't want a threesome with my twin brother kind of way" (I'm a twin and I know!)

"Hey, let's postpone the integration spell and we can all go home and have sex together...."


But, seriously, if they've cut this scene it doesn't bode well for the rest of the series: there are loads of excellent sequences in series 5 (some of them kind of vital in establishing the drama/comedy of what's going on) that I just know are gonna be slashed to pieces by the censors. Really, you don't want to have this stuff buggered up by the "don't look Timmy!" patrol.

Tape them I tell you!


Tons of potentially cuttable sequences spring to mind: Glory crushing Tara's hand, Spike's fuckfighting Buffy fantasy while shagging Harmony, loads of rude Buffy sexbot stuff, loads of skill fighting stuff........


[ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: runt ]
10:57 / 09.09.01
Runt I have seen this series
14:48 / 09.09.01
Then you should be nodding your head like Billy O.

That's it, nod the head......
rizla mission
08:21 / 10.09.01
quote:Originally posted by runt:

Spike's fuckfighting Buffy fantasy while shagging Harmony, loads of rude Buffy sexbot stuff, loads of skill fighting stuff........

You're joking, aren't you? or exaggerating at the very least..
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:35 / 10.09.01
Not in the least.


I somehow think the 6.45 showing won't include that shot of Spike leaning against the wall of his crypt, ciggy hanging from his mouth, eyes glazed over, and then the Buffybot's head coming up into frame from below... (You can just see him doing his belt up afterwards, as well...)

Trust me, Riz, series 5 starts off shakily but gets absolutely brilliant about halfway through. Watch out for an annoying character to develop an unexpected fetish for vampire prostitutes s/he pays to feed off hir...
08:35 / 10.09.01


There's loads of sexbot/spike lusting after Buffy stuff that might have to go. The sequence that really springs to mind is the one where he's having a lusty fight with Buffy and, as he prepares to move in for the *kill*, we quickly cut to his final thrusts in bed with Harmony. And we realize he's been using a naughty fantasy to fuel his orgasm.

They will definitely cut this, and that's a shame because it had everyone in the room in stitches. There's so many references to sex etc in the episodes featuring the sexbot that the censors may have to rip them to shreds if they want to prevent little Timmy asking Mummy some difficult questions. In fact, after seeing the heavy editing last episode, I'm pretty sure they will.

Which is shit.

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: runt ]
Spatula Clarke
10:04 / 10.09.01
"You're the Big Bad" will definitely not be shown at 6PM.
15:47 / 10.09.01
quote:Originally posted by The Flyboy:

"I got so lost..."

"I found you. I'll always find you."

Waaaah! *bawls eyes out*

Ok I'm man enough to admit it, this bit had me sniffling as well. The Tara/Willow romance is just brillant, perfectly handled and in not exploiting the whole gay thing.
Example 'the body' and the episode where the have their first argument.

Oh btw having no seen Season 5 thanks to borrowed videos I REALLY need to dissect it in detail, it's a class bit of television.
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