Originally posted by Nick:
As a matter of interest, if I posted a thread which acknowledged right up front that in order to understand what was going on, you'd have to read some background material on theories of social action and revolution, how many people would actually be prepared to do it?
Well, that depends. If you were to do it, and then place a reading list at the bottom and suggest I go to my nearest library or Waterstones, then I probably, in all honesty, wouldn't bother.
But one of the beauties of this place is that you can provide links to what you are talking about as you are talking.
(Provided, of course, that you can link to them; and if not, then give me the books and I'll consider it.)
There does seem to be a tendency towards bemoaning the stagnation of the board among the 'elders.' (what is this? some sort of nomadic tribe?)
But often it seems that the people most likely to be pulling others up and stagnating the threads are the Elders themselves; perhaps they feel more 'at home' on the board, and are therefore more willing to shout other people down.
I have given up on at least one Switchboard thread where I was trying to post an opinion which did not seem to be the 'accepted' opinion for a Barbelith poster and was attacked for it.
The odd thing was, when I got shouted down, people didn't attack what I had actually said. The discussion had polarised into two opposing opinions, and my post was neither of them. However, it seemed to be percieved that, because I did not totally agree with a certain viewpoint, then I must oppose everything to do with it. Which was not the case.
Often, the problem with people not listening to other people's opinions and the thread stagnating is when, as many people have noted, a binary good/bad; right/wrong; us/them opposition is all which is tolerated.
To do that is completely wrong; and anyone who disagrees with me can go to Hell, as far as I am concerned.

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: JB again ] |