I was almost disappointed when I saw the season premiere of Six Feet Under way back when. A friend and I watched it together, and we both thought that it would have made a good movie, but didn't set up much of a series. It was really a very closed story, with a beginning, and an ending.
Nonetheless, I continued watching, trying to figure out where they were going to go from there, because I didn't think they could do it... and they did. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of television's greatest achievements, and one of only two t.v. shows I watched with any regularity.
Nate is easily my favorite character, although Brenda follows a close second. [So, it kind of works out, you know, that they're a couple.] But, truthfully, I loved them all. I have never seen so much character depth, and I have never been so interested in each character in a story... whether it was Claire, David, or the mother.
As far as I know, HBO asked for a second season before the season premiere even aired. They had that much trust in Alan Ball's ability and, well, fame. [Although, as far as I'm concerned, and I do hate to say it, the few episodes that he directed were the weakest...]. The season finale opened up several storylines that can be followed through [and would not have been brought up had it been a series finale, rather than a season finale.] So, I'm pretty sure we can look forward to another season.
[As for the afforementioned Psycho Beach Party... that is, hands down, one of my favorite movies of all time. Every time I've rented it, I've watched it two or more times. Now if only I could find the DVD to buy... if there is one.]
Jared |