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JLA - The Movie

14:14 / 25.08.01

Tonite, at 6:10 The Justice League of America movie is on Channel 5.

Watch and be amazed!
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:35 / 25.08.01
Dear god man, tape it for me, i will pay!

I love a country where channel 5 is the same everywhere, god love the bbc
mondo a-go-go
16:04 / 25.08.01
nothing to do with the bbc, elijah.

i think sleazenation, chiron and belbin are watching it in the other room.

i bought a fab t-shirt the other day, featuring gorillas dressed as the JLA. does anyone know where this groovy image came from?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:50 / 25.08.01
oh, i assumed that a universal mention of channel 5 suggest a non us network, which generally would be branded FOX CBS NBC etc

the pic is likely from the goofy JLApes story line of some time back

Tom Coates
17:10 / 25.08.01
Jesus Christ. That was APPALLING. No wonder everyone thinks comics geeks are pointless...
17:18 / 25.08.01
That film was so bad it was shit.

Although the interview bits were kinda funny.
23:28 / 25.08.01
Is it the one with big fat shirtless John Vernon all painted green as the Martian Manhunter?

I can't believe that was run on television - I saw a fuzzy bootleg ages ago. I didn't think it would ever be officially screened anywhere.
23:47 / 25.08.01
it was very late 80s early ninties JLA - in all its silly soap opera glory.Actually i think it would work well as a double bill with sunset beach...
Tom Coates
06:25 / 26.08.01
I just don't get it. I mean - little things like why was Green Lantern's costume BLUE?!
Jack The Bodiless
20:31 / 27.08.01
Did no one tell them that the clue was in the name? Just asking.
20:37 / 27.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I just don't get it. I mean - little things like why was Green Lantern's costume BLUE?!

Jeez, you're such a continuity nut.
Blue? Green? It's just a freaking costume!!

I bet you're even pissed that it was Guy Gardner and not Hal Jordan...

06:33 / 29.08.01
I think this must have been on C5 about three times in the last 18 months, so it won't be long before it's on again, I'm sure.

Love the villain's crafty disguise : a headscarf tied over his face, and sunglasses. No wonder they were left wondering who he was. That's Moriarty-level evil cunning for ya, oh yeah.

Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:23 / 29.08.01
Was it the guy who ran the weather centre or the weird guy that hung around in the basement? I couldn't be bothered to watch all of it.
12:38 / 29.08.01
quote:Originally posted by The Ungodly Lozt and Found Office:
Was it the guy who ran the weather centre or the weird guy that hung around in the basement? I couldn't be bothered to watch all of it.

It was Miguel Ferrer, the owner, Doctor Eno.

Ferrer is a great actor, if it wasn't for him the ALF movie would have been a pile of poo.
12:39 / 29.08.01
no, it was the other guy, the boss of the weather thing. Although, when he was filming his ransom scenes he wasn't wearing the facemask. What?
But yeah, it was mesmerisingly bad.
21:36 / 30.08.01
Ah, Dr. Eno. Once again attempting to bring the world to its knees with ambient music and having been really good in the mid 70s.
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