COPS! Whuchu waaan, whuchu ganna dooo, when Sherriff John Brown comes for youuu...
I'm in the same camp as Bill Hicks on COPS: it's like playing with a loose tooth, as it hurts but it's also oddly fun. On the one hand, you want to hate the heavy-handed assholes in blue, who all seem to have the same moustache, even the lady cops; on the other, you've got the barely upright results of fetal alcohol syndrome that you're never sure if you should want to scrape off or kick in the eye. Bless 'em, they deserve one another. Of course, every once in a while I see pot farmers taken down and my allegiances are clear, but most of the rest of the time I'm an equal opportunity hater.
CSI: MIAMI is also on that list. I think suffixless CSI is good, and I don't watch CSI: NY, but for whatever reason, even though David Caruso is such a one-note actor, I still watch MIAMI when it's on. Maybe it's his hottie Cubana partner.
I also get off on the local news, less for any great quality but because I love screaming vile shit at it. It's especially fun when their local-level quality peeks through the professional veneer and utterly flummoxes them. It's also far easier to see the methods of viewer control via media when there's little filter on the tactics.
And sometimes the anchors are sexy, too. Which just makes me scream viler shit.
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