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Movie of Extraordinary Gentlemen!


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:20 / 16.08.02
Where's the fun in that? And are there figures for the huge amounts of copies of 'From Hell' that must have shifted after the movie?
09:36 / 16.08.02
Well, two non-comics fans in my office shelled out for the £25 trade paperback from Borders after watching it...
Mystery Gypt
15:59 / 19.08.02
it's going to be good. it's got a badass bollywood supstar kicking ass, it's got a crothety old guy starring in an action role, it's got a victorian chick action hero... it's going to make a hundred million dollars at least and interest 14 year olds not only in moore's comic but also a bunch of books and culture from 100 years ago... and FUCK this whole idea that comics should be "left alone." movies have to come from somewhere... and they have to be structured differently than a comic... anyfuckingthing that gets comics into bookstores gets my thumb at least part way up... as does anything that gets heaps of money to comic creators...
Murray Hamhandler
19:06 / 19.08.02
It's directed by the dude who did the first Blade movie. I mean, I guess since it's comics, it doesn't really matter... I hear after he gets done w/Akira he's going to be doing a live-action Archie movie, followed by the long-awaited, all-puppet version of Frank.

I dunno. I'll reserve judgement, and I'll probably go see it. It doesn't sound as thoroughly, irredeemably fucked as Constantine, at any rate.

Why can't they make these bad comic book movies just good enough to pique the interest of new audiences in the source material but still bad enough for new readers to say, "Fuck that movie shit! Comics are where it's at!!!"

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