quote:Originally posted by The Flyboy:
Stuff and Nonce Sense.
Taken from this week's NME, some excerpts from the new show:
quote:Phil Collins:
I'm talking (points to T-shirt then to head) Nonce Sense. (Describing someone to be suspicious of) If someone shows you a model of your hometown and all the models look like penises...
quote r Fox, DJ:
Genetically, paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you or me. Now that's scientific fact. There's no real evidence for it but it is scientific fact.
quote:Richard Blackwood:
Every time your kids tickle Pandu (the computerised dog) the paedophile gets his rocks off... Online paedophiles can actually make your keyboard release toxic vapours.
quote:Kate Thornton:
It's called a HOECS game - a Hidden Online Entrapment Control System... HOECS games can cause serious damage. One child was trapped online for a whole night and, according to a psychiatrist's report, came away with the jaded, listless sexual appetite of a 60-year-old colonel.
quote:The show is introduced with the words "Welcome to paedo-geddon!"
In another scene, Morris challenges a paedophile held in some stocks to tell him whether he would like to have sex with his young son. The boy is present while Morris' presenter tackles the offender.
Morris also portrays a fake rap-star called JLB-8, who raps about having sex with children and performs onstage with the doll of a young girl strapped to his groin.
So tempted to tape the show and send a copy to Laila...
[ 18-07-2001: Message edited by: E Randy Donttouchthatdial ] |