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Help save Run Ronnie Run!

Matthew Fluxington
16:55 / 05.02.02
From The Mr. Show official site:

quote: Hey everybody,

Bob and David here. Apparently the release of Run Ronnie Run is being moved from the much-mentioned date of April 12th, to sometime in August, September, October, Winter, or Never. While we can't verify when exactly (simply because no-one at New Line will call us back, or for that matter, knows) we can look at the track record of RRR's continual postponement as cause for concern.

While we have very little recourse, we can encourage you to let your voice be heard. Through the miracle of e-mail, you can contact the people at New Line and tell them, simply "We wanna see the movie." We've always felt that everyone down the line has severely under-estimated our fans, both in numbers and sincerity. Don't be dicks about it, but just let them know that there's an audience waiting out there. This is about as good a time as any to make yourselves heard.

Neither of us are comfortable with asking you guys to do this, but after all this dicking around, we've come to the conclusion that this may be our only hope of getting the movie out there.
Address your e-mails to: (head of marketing)
CC (head of distribution)
CC (head of something)

Please note the period in between the first and last name. And again, don't be rude, but let them know.
Bob and David

Seriously, even if you aren't familiar with Mr. Show, I strongly encourage you to drop these studio bigwigs a line, just to help the rest of us out.
kid coagulant
17:04 / 05.02.02
That's too bad, but isn't this just going to piss New Line off? I mean, if I were a studio bigwig, I wouldn't want a bunch of geeks to have my email address and telling me how I should do my job.

On the other hand, not being a studio bigwig, I love the idea that these New Line guys may get totally spammed.
Ethan Hawke
17:30 / 05.02.02
Hopefully this doesn't impede the release of Mr. Show on DVD.

I saw David Cross and his "super pals" (inc. Miss Janeane Garafalo) in "An Evening of Bullshit" about 3 weeks ago at a packed Irving Plaza here in New York. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, well over 3 hours of comedic goodness. If you are not familiar with the work of this genius (and avid Indie Rock supporter), you are missing out. Please, please support the Save Run Ronnie Run campaign.
Matthew Fluxington
17:46 / 05.02.02
I don't think it's going to change the release schedule for the DVD - at least for volume 1, at any rate. My understanding is that they are already in production and/or finished, and will be released in April as planned. The product has already been solicited/bought by many stores - you can order it from Amazon right here.
Margin Walker
22:42 / 05.02.02

Shit, I've been waiting for this flick for ages--and it won't be released?!?!

<goes in search of a hammer and bunch of rusty nails to pound into cranium>
Matthew Fluxington
00:20 / 13.02.02
Is New Line Cinema trying to crush our souls?

This just in on

quote: "Run Ronnie Run" still in limbo!

DVD's to join it there!

New Line has put "Run Ronnie Run!" on a side-shelf in the back pantry, behind the tiny individual boxes of stale mini-wheats that your Grandma gives you when you sleep over.

But now, to make matters worse. HBO Home Video is SERIOUSLY considering taking the Mr. Show DVD's, (DVD's which are produced, packaged, and ready to ship to your basement,) and withholding thier release JUST IN CASE New Line decides to release the movie (whenever that might be) so the two can be promoted together. What the fuck?! That might mean never!

Well, it looks like we'll all have to make do with the Ab Fab box set (in stores now).

Kickin' it Old School,
Bob and David

Oh, come on!
Margin Walker
09:40 / 04.06.02
(I already posted this in the "id=3516" duplicate thread, but it didn't bump the tread up to the fore like it usually does. Hopefully it'll work this time)
At 12:26 04.06.2002:


* The Mr. Show DVD's are out as of today
* Fox shit-canned Bob Odenkirk's TV pilot
* Bob & David Cross are talking about doing a Mr. Show live tour in the fall
* I saw David last week and the mofo is hilarious. He did stand-up for over 2 hours and was worth every penny.
* According to David at his show, New Line is not releasing "Run, Ronnie, Run!" David said that they're trying to shop it to other studios, but it looks like it's dead in the water.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:27 / 07.06.02
That means you guys will never to get to see half of my friends that are in it. Dang.
Margin Walker
01:05 / 12.07.02
The Mr. Show "Hooray For America!!" Tour (story here):

SAT 9/14 San Diego California Center for the Perf. Arts @ Escondido 8:00
FRI 9/20 Washington, DC Warner Theatre 7:30
SAT 9/21 Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory 7:30
SUN 9/22 NYC Town Hall 7:30
SUN 9/22 NYC Town Hall 11:00
TUE 9/24 Boston, MA The Orpheum Theatre 7:30
THU 9/26 Ann Arbor, MI The State Theatre 7:30
FRI 9/27 Chicago, IL The Congress Theatre 7:30
SAT 9/28 Madison, WI The Barrymoore Theatre 7:30
SUN 9/29 Minneapolis, MN The State Theatre 7:30
FRI 10/4 Los Angeles, CA Royce Hall 7:30
SAT 10/5 San Francisco, CA The Warfield Theatre 8:00
MON 10/7 Sacramento, CA The Crest Theatre 7:30
WED 10/9 Eugene, OR The McDonald Theatre 7:30
THU 10/10 Portland, OR The Crystal Ballroom 7:30
FRI 10/11 Seattle, WA The Moore Theatre 7:30
SAT 10/12 Vancouver, BC The Vogue Theatre 7:30
topical b
20:07 / 28.11.03
so finally this is released. on dvd.

has anyone else seen this? movies rarely make me laugh out loud. this one caused beer to come out of my nose. because I was laughing while drinking, not due to spontaneous beer production.

this movie makes fun of everything, hollywood, racism, the handicapped.
jeff goldblum gets verbally mangled by a shit kicking redneck.
17:52 / 29.11.03
I haven't seen the final dvd cut, so I don't know if it's improved any, but I downloaded a copy of RRR some time last year and thought it was truly, truly dreadful. Not a single laugh through the entire thing, sloppy editing, bad comedic timing - and I'm a big big Mr. Show/David Cross fan. Even Bob and David themselves admitted it wasn't that great and everyone should just really forget about it.

The problem is that Ronnie Dobbs isn't really that great as a 5 minute sketch, and certainly far worse as a 90 minute movie. Bob and David also pretty much stay with their one character throughout the movie (with brief exceptions) - I was hoping for something similar to a Monty Python film or League of Gentlemen, where they'd play dozens of different characters throughout.
The Tower Always Falls
21:19 / 29.11.03
I have to agree with Cameron here. We just rented it last night and I have to say I was rather underwhelmed (although I did like "Ass-Kicking fat Kid", I must admit...) And I've got pretty much every Mr Show sketch memorized.

Then again, Bob and David didn't raise much hopes either. From the website...

As you all know, Bob and David tried their best numerous times to get any opportunity to get in the ol' editing suite and turn a marginally (and then only intermittently) humorous movie into a true, "Mr. Showifed" barrel of gut-busting laughs. When they were graciously ignored, they then said "fuck it - let's move on", which they eventually did. Now the movie's coming out in the time honored tradition of other straight-to-dvd steaming turds.

Here's where the warning comes in, It's not that good. Bob and David do not stand by this film. It's not awful, but it's not even close to what it could have been if only God liked us more. However, if you do buy it, and sit through it, and find some things to like about it, they are invariably due to steady pressure on our part, documented in numerous emails full of pleading, ass-kissing, and ego stroking. Perhaps we shouldn't have tried so hard, the first cut was laughed at more than the final cut was laughed with. Oh, well. but, if after reading all this you still want to get it, then go ahead
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