From The Mr. Show official site:
quote: Hey everybody,
Bob and David here. Apparently the release of Run Ronnie Run is being moved from the much-mentioned date of April 12th, to sometime in August, September, October, Winter, or Never. While we can't verify when exactly (simply because no-one at New Line will call us back, or for that matter, knows) we can look at the track record of RRR's continual postponement as cause for concern.
While we have very little recourse, we can encourage you to let your voice be heard. Through the miracle of e-mail, you can contact the people at New Line and tell them, simply "We wanna see the movie." We've always felt that everyone down the line has severely under-estimated our fans, both in numbers and sincerity. Don't be dicks about it, but just let them know that there's an audience waiting out there. This is about as good a time as any to make yourselves heard.
Neither of us are comfortable with asking you guys to do this, but after all this dicking around, we've come to the conclusion that this may be our only hope of getting the movie out there.
Address your e-mails to:
russell.schwartz@newline.com (head of marketing)
david.tuckerman@newline.com (head of distribution)
toby.emmerich@newline.com (head of something)
Please note the period in between the first and last name. And again, don't be rude, but let them know.
Bob and David
Seriously, even if you aren't familiar with Mr. Show, I strongly encourage you to drop these studio bigwigs a line, just to help the rest of us out. |