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Goodness Gracious Meme
14:38 / 04.02.02
Did anyone else see the three-part documentary that C4 ran recently on 'extreme plastic surgery'. Within which they tackled 1-gender reassignment, 2-elective height alteration surgery and 3-'designer vaginas'?

More info on 1-here (actually also got lots of useful transgender-related links/resources)
and 3-here.

An initial thought is being very uncomfortable with the bracketing of transsexuals/gender reassignment with those seeking a couple of extra inches of height or a 'designer vagina'. (a phrase that has a pretty unpleasant tone IMHO)

But is this just me being hypocritical, denying that other forms of physical dsyphoria (not at all sure this is the right way to describe it?) aside from the gender-based can have serious effects, and should be alterable by surgery.

What do other people think? And what implications are there for the body, and how we construct, deconstruct it, the status of the plastic surgeon is also something I'd be interested in, how do people feel about this stuff? And how does the documentary process fit in, what are the effects, implications?

Quote (from C4 website. as above)

quote:'I consider myself a feminist and I felt I was giving in to false standards. But I felt it was worthwhile if it made me feel less self conscious so I could relax and enjoy my sex life more,' says Lori


[ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: Lick my plums, bitch. ]
Molly Shortcake
09:47 / 05.02.02
OK, gender reasignment and height increase I can kinda relate....

But shouldn't these women try vaginal exercises before resorting to surgery? It's like liposuction for your sex life.
pantone 292
08:19 / 06.02.02
yikes. i never get to watch anything but did check your links! I can understand women wanting a bit of tightness back after having given birth, but the tidy your labia up ethos is really appalling esp when the place the example woman is shown by the doctor [to choose her new look] is porn! The only place i've ever seen neat and tidy tiny labiaed women is in soft porn. Hmm, first shave of your pubic hair, then - omigod - genitalia are revealed! - quick pare it all away...The women I've slept with have all had full labia - is nice - is like kissing people with full lips! grrr...
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