They are going to make a new Rambo movie with Sylvester Stallone as Rambo hunting down Osama Bin Laden (keep in mind that in the last flick Rambo help the Afghani kick out the russians....)
Is it me or is this just plain wrong? It´s like showing Battleship Potemkin or any of these other Russian films they made, just before the Russians start to invade Germany (read Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancey for this refference. Tom was real good when the Russians still were the "Bad Guys". It mentions a radar invisble bomber called `Frisbee´ years before the USAF showed the F117. He also predicted 11th september.....but anyways...)
Is there really a need for a movie like this. I mean ...Rambo!!! I can´t even begin to count the ways how they are going to fuck this up. Does Rambo really embody the way the US wants to picture their war on terrorism? Better not attack the US or we´re gonna send Rambo and he´ll use his exploding arrows to wack your ass!!!
It´s enough for me to reach for the semtex myself and see how things end up....
Envision a horde of Rednecks seeing that movie and agreeing with it!!!
"Yeah, Rambo is right!!! Let´s get our guns and find us a 7-11!!! Let´s show these ragheads!!!"
I´m not a pacifist. I think sometimes showing force is a way to show that your not to be messed with. But in a more mature way. What´s more menacing? Rambo wih a M-60 in each hand cutting people like grass or Eastwood with his `Don´t mess with Clint´ stare.....
I wonder what sucker is going to direct this abomination anyways.....
("Hey, I did it for the money.....")
GRrrmble..... |