It was sensationalism. Cue weird music whenever words or phrases like "LSD", "mind expansion", "Merry Pranksters", etc. are mentioned. It didn't touch on his work at all, except to toss us a quick footnote re "set" and "setting". I don't idolize Leary or anything, but I'd like a "documentary" about him to include a little bit more about his philosophies, thoughts, etc. and a little less stuff about how he was a "real turned on head who, like, really freaked out the squares, maaaan....." There was hardly any depth to it. It's mission statement was to excite and tittilate. Actually, "Reputations" is rubbish. The other week, I saw some programme about Shirley Bassey (it was either "Reputations" or "The Real [insert name here]"), and all I really gleaned from it was what kind of sex she liked. Voyeuristic bollocks. |