Well, um, hello... moriarty PM'd me to this thread... you really want to hear about the only three comics I've read? I guess I will tell you about the one that I think is the X-men comic. Whatever you do, don't tell me it's some rare edition worth millions of dollars b/c I'm sure it's long been trashed.
So anyway, I say I think it was X-men because definitely Charles Xavier was in it. But also it had Green Lantern, Flash, and possibly Wonder Woman. But they were not themselves, they were doubles on an alternate universe called Earth 2. Which confused the hell of me at the time, but then again I was nine & a lot of things confused me when I was nine.
Anyway. The story was this: Earth 2 is going to hell in a handbasket --earthquakes and tidal waves and everything. So all the superheroes are out fighting disasters & the more they do, the worse things get.
(Oh, I just remembered, there was a character called Huntress and a blonde woman who was new to being a superhero & so did things like accidentally break her waterglass in her hand, when she was supposed to be only a mild-mannered secretary at lunch.)
Soooo... finally, Charles Xavier calls all the superheroes into the Hall of Justice & tells them that he's figured out what's going on & what they have to do. What's happening is that whatever the malignant force is on Earth 2, what it's doing is sucking up all the energy from our superheroes for its own evil ends. Hearing this agitates the superheroes greatly and they crowd around Charles Xavier in his wheelchair and ask him what they can do.
Close up on his head, chin touching his chest. He mutters, "Nothing."
So then a bunch of panels of everyone doing nothing.
And then the malignant force makes a Curses, foiled! speech.
The End.
I seriously thought it was the greatest, still do. Lots of times when everything's going to hell in a handbasket, I make myself sit as quietly as Charles Xavier and do nothing. I would advise more people to do so, only it involves telling this whole story about quasi X-men on Earth 2 & I don't usually get to the payoff line before people start looking for the exits.
<hey... where're you all going...> |