I can think of comics that have had similar themes, the corporate-owned superhero (most of them crap Image comics like Youngblood), but I can't think of anything that quite matches Milligan and Allred's X-Force in how it is executed: with humor, class, strong satire, something that is really in touch with pop culture and not just playing lip service to it. To my knowledge, I don't think anything touches it on its own merits.
There was this one comic that came out a while back called Young Heroes In Love, it was put out by DC, and it had a similar lighthearted soap opera, it was about a bunch of superheroes who were more interested in the social and sexual aspects of superheroics than actually fighting crime or whatever - it was light and cute, but not anything nearly as smart and satirical of a broad range of pop culture like X-Force.
I can think of a lot of comics like that - there was another comic which I can't recall the title of (I'll look around and tell you later) that came out of a smaller company about superheroes who were really into fame and groupies, but that wasn't so great either. |