I'm always eager to be the underdog, but I really like this title.
It's taken me a while to get around to it, what with the whole Patriotic covers (not much of a patriot myself), it made me feel very odd. I really like Cap, but have avoided the series outside of Waid's run because it looked like more of the same. It's a tough comic to like, really, as it can boil down to tough white guy smiles a lot and beasts up stupid looking dudes.
But in the new series, seeing Cap put into difficult situations both physically and psychologically (using the mines in the church and the child amputees as weapons was brilliant as was the talk on the plane regarding the US bombing civies in WW2), I guess, really pleased me. All I read was Waid's run (which I liked a lot) and the Kirby and Steranko issues. I'm not sure I see any revision, but it is a decent read to me and the art is amazing. I met Cassady at a con and he was the nicest guy. We both talked about our love for Cap (that doesn't sound right) and he drew a sketch for me as well.
The first storyline is a bit dodgy since the WTC references were added at the last minute, but I think the problem, as pointed out is the 'We don't do that anymore' speech which made me feel a bit odd. But essentially, I think the comic was just beating the crap out of a villain trying to justify mass murder by saying the US does it as well. And for once, the story holds together as 6 issues going toward a point and standing well on their own (where else outside of NXM does that happen?).
Remember Cap's speech in issue 2 (I think), 'This is not the act of a nation, but of one man.' So, in a sense, it's saying that you cannot battle ideas with people.
I reccomend people read this and if you didn't like it, give it another try. It might improve with a second read. |