Off the top of my head, I think everything that I hate about comics all fits between the covers of Kevin Smith's Daredevil: Guardian Devil. Monstrously self-indulgent, this volume managed to fill what felt like 1600 endless pages with Claremontian blocks of purple text (Karen Page's "dear John" letter to Murdock must go on for at least six of them, and to me all on its own represents the very worst writing this field has to offer), pointless character deaths, tired rehashes (Bullseye), useless cameos by characters who apparently only appear because they give the writer a chubby, as it were (Black Widow and Spider-Man), and...well, that's really it, but isn't that bad enough? Not to mention that all ends on a shitty "twist" that was obviously extracted whole and breathing from the author's ass ten minutes before it found its way into his Word program. In terms of writing, this is about as bad as comics get.
But...you know, the art was okay.
PS: I too will stick up for The Micronauts (at least until it went direct-sales exclusive), and US1 and ROM have both aged well in a so-bad-it's-good kinda way. Interestingly, both series featured art by Steve Ditko. Like...interesting in a human tragedy sense, I mean. |