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online x-men subscription

12:58 / 21.11.01
Finally gonna go see this today. Good interview w/ Linklater at
02:56 / 22.01.02
i live in the sticks, literally hundreds of miles away form any comic book shops. is there anywhere on the web that offers subscription to morrison's x-men or even sells issues of the same comic for that matter?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:55 / 22.01.02
Unless they've brought down their delivery charges, you may be better off buying the TPBs through something like Bookbrain...
Matthew Fluxington
14:26 / 22.01.02
well, I'm a bit too far away from you to make this practical, but maybe you can just pay someone on Barbelith to purchase and mail the issues to you...
Captain Zoom
15:25 / 22.01.02
If you can't find anywhere close by, I own a comic shop and would be happy to help.

Matthew Fluxington
18:46 / 24.01.02
Sean, if you haven't sorted this out yet, you may want to go straight to Marvel subscription webpage.
17:34 / 25.01.02
thanks for the help everybody, the subscription is actually for my little bro who's only just begun reading comics. He's currently reading 'wolverine and gambit' as it's almost the only comic he can get his hands on.
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