(Posted here rather than in The Conversation because this is where I mostly hang out.)
In another thread, Flux said:
>>>I actually was just looking at that Drawing Board forum you linked to a while back, and I noticed that you actually post on at least three other forums in addition to Barbelith.... wow. Do you not sleep, man?<<<
And it got me to thinking - I do spend an inordinate amount of time on message boards. Time that could be far better spent working on making some good comics. Also, arguing about What's Wrong With Comics all the time is just depressing me and making me lose sight of why I love comics in the first place.
I usually hate these farewell posts because for the most part I think it indicates a certain arrogance on the part of the writer - who's to say their absence would even be noticed? - and I expect no different reaction to my own. I was just a cranky sod anyway with never a kind word to say about anyone. 
So anyway, as part of my 2002 Life Restructuring Project I'm saying goodbye to the message boards for a while - possibly forever, possibly until 4:37 this afternoon, depending on willpower.
So ta-ra then, for now at least. Thanks for the chat, you've all been entertaining and stimulating.
And buy anything with my name on it.
(Hey, I bought a webcam, I'm gonna use it, okay?) |