and a shite 'n onion roll for the sub-editor in the Saturday mag last weekend who described the book as being about Jimmy and his 'awful dad'.
Read the fucking thing you cunts.
The 'idea' of comics are now mainstream, actually have been for ages, but this will not save the industry. It will simply result in mass appropriation by other media which have been starved of creativite thinkers since, oh, lets see, 1988?
Comics as a medium is dying. It's like bloody poetry as The Gay Man pointed out in a recent interview. Sure, poetry sutvives to this day, but you don't get punters queuein' up to bust up some rhymes much these days.
Anyway, the current buzz for illustration is on it's last legs too. Expect luxurious airbrush art and bars clad in black leather and platinum to dominate in the next few years.
Jimmy Corrigan is the last gasp by this sorry industry to get noticed. A fuckin throwback of a story, with art gallery art and *******. (Ohh, I don't like the modern world, it's so cheap - fuck you Ware it hurts asshole)
So fuck you too Guardian, don't dare give us fanboys this prize (yeah, us - this award goes to me an' you if it wins - think about it)- because you will make life difficult for everyone.
"look, comics ARE good. ARE relevant For example check this chunky volume out - it looks like a book and won a Guardian literary prize!'
I will never 'defend' comics again.
I don't know why I ever did. What is the reason for this compulsion? Just read stuff you like and stop looking for acceptance.
And by the way: 'Don't quote me.'
Final word: xmen will never sell in the numbers it used to. Never.
And yes, I do feel like a cock reading x-factor on the train. In fact I have to do a photocopy reduction and stick it inside a Joseph Campbell tome just to feel safe.
Reading the collected trade publicly is even worse. Looks like a bloody fun pack colouring in piece of shite or something.
I hate comics. I hate the guardian. I hate you. (apart from 2 others on this board, you're all wankers)

oh yeah, here: