I love comics. I've read them all through my childhood, everything from Marvel and DC that I could get my hands on. All the super-hero stuff, I was there for it.
At an early age I was exposed to some material from a now defunct underground comic magazine called "ANIMAL", which had comics from great European artists. Ranxerox blew my head off (I was only 14!), just like the works of Moebius, Enki Bilal, Manara and others. So I started looking more for that kind of (admittedly) pseudo-philosophical stuff - there were also the collected strips from Calvin and Hobbes, Corto Maltese, Mafalda by Quino (great political commentary and loads of attitude)...
I might have gotten grumpy, whatever, but when I returned to take a look at what was going on with the super-people I was disgusted. The art was awful. I couldn`t understand what was going on on the panels, everything was too dark and too cluttered with unnecessary shit. When I quit reading super-hero books they were printed in 4-colors (stop laughing), but when I returned the colorists were just discovering the wonders of Photoshop. It looked awful, and it would look awful for a long time yet. Everybody had little pocket/bags around their thigs. What the hell do they put in that bags, anyway? Everybody had their muscles flexed all the time. All the artists wanted to be Jim Lee, and then that Rob Liefeld fella... So you might say that the first thing that made me quit mainstream super-hero comics was plain bad art. Sorry, *goddam awful* art.
Nowadays of course things look a little better than they were during that particular phase of Macfarlanism (who once said to Will Eisner: "I'm not interested in stories, I'm only interested in the visuals!")
Second thing to put me off: lack of respect for the reader. The "Robin routine"... "Yeah, this character died, but we brought hir back, now s/he discovered that s/he is a thousand year old demon from the fifth dimension with pyrokinetic powers. Actually, a clone of a thousand year demon". Yeah right...
I have this friend who still buys stuff from DC. So once and a while I talk to him, we start discussing comics etc... he loves to talk with me, just to see the look on my face when he tells me stuff like: "You know, Hal Jordan died" and I go "what??". And he: "Nah, it's okay, he resurrected, now he's some sort of [whatever he is now, I don't remember] from the fifth dimension. Well, actually, he's just its clone, but..." 
I wish I had a steady diet of comics, but the european albums are too expensive, and very rarely we get anything published that isn't from Marvel/DC universes.
This is starting to change, since a lot of small labels are putting out new (at least to us stranded in Brazil) stuff. They have been promising Tom Strong, Top Ten, The Authority (which I just bought and got utterly disappointed with), Planetary... so let's see. These days the only book I'm buying is Promethea, which is expensive as hell, but is worth each cent. |