Did anyone notice that Wildstorm's last two group comics more or less resemble terrorist network's with good public relations?
1) The Authority's - "The Nativity" arch more less put the protaganists at odds with the (some of) world's superpower, which they received a female-bitch from Seth.
a - The last authority thread pointed out the carrier-crash-into-the-building trick. b - The nativity started with the protagnists' exceution of a country's elected leader.
c- The group steals info from the UN database, while schmoozong up to King and Trelane in Issue #18.
2) the Monarchy - I didn't weep alligator tears to the god of monthly publishing when I read the possible end of the monarchy, but
a - Issue # 6, made a reference to the protaganists as a terrorists cell.
b - Issues # 1 and 2 - They run off with as much Storm/Sky watch info and equipment as they can
c - Issue # 2- Jackson makes the routine teleconference calls to the President (to cruise-missile someone) and three oter nice, family-oriented groups.
The guys writing this stuff have more (mentally) organized criminal/apolitical focus than most felons in the US of America (most imprsoned country on Earth, mind you) |