on two counts. basically in both cases am into the 'try anything' phase. and an excuse for me to angst and rant. sorry.
1-good friend of mine is seriously ill, has had cancer on and off for 4 years, has now developed hodgkin's and his specialist is suggesting that it might be time to take that round-the-world trip. He's trying naturopathy, with some success at the moment, but things are really scary right now. And not that it makes it worse/better, but he's 22. twenty-fucking two.
2-an organisation that I work for that provides a service that's probably unique, running a drop-in service/safe space for women where they dictate the agenda, (as opposed to the really valuable work done by focussed groups like AA, Rapecrisis, NA) has had its funding cut by 70%. So is fucked basically.
Have just finished a session, a wonderful healing, *versatile* atmosphere, seeing incredible improvements in some of the women (eg someone who could barely get through the door 4 months ago is now inviting people out for coffee) and hearing their comments about how important the drop-in is to them.
On a personal level, the fact that I can do good and useful work has been life-changing for me, and many of the women I work with. It's been quite a sobering realisation that this feels likw the first time I've felt truly 'good' at something, and it's been an incredibly empowering experience.
As well the fact that the way we work makes it very much a symbiotic learning process.
I've learned *so* much from the courage of the women in our drop-ins, dealt with users whose issues are unimaginably scary to me, as well had any us/them notions completely crushed as users come in say things that pretty much word-for-word could have come out of my mouth.
To discover that I can use my experiences for other people, that there are environments where what's usually seen as weakness/flakiness is actually vital to do the work well, has been absolutely amazing. Life-affirming at a time when I really needed it.
But I can find somewhere else to do this stuff, I do truly feel that we do something that, around here, at least is pretty much unique.
So good vibes etc in our direction would be much appreciated.
Ta and sorry but just needed to vent.
[ 15-03-2002: Message edited by: Lick my plums, bitch. ] |