Ouch, poked indeed. It wasn't Point, for the record, but it's so appaling I'm not telling who it WAS for.
Teen horror fiction is as hard to do as any, but in my experience, theres a pile of guidelines avaible, you just have to ask the publishers.
I know that Hamblyn have a series of "thou shalt nots" for teen horror. Strangely enough, cork screws in the head are fine but bondage is right out.
Writers conventions are good for blagging commisions and contacts, if you have the right kind of head on.
To make money, you're better off writing features for all and sundry. It's quick (ish) easy and fun (ish) to do. The duller the publication, the easier it is to get a feature commisoned, but the pay will be low, so be proflific.
Niche mags, like Chocolate Lover, Beanie Fanatic and the like are good targets. Avoid anything produced by John Brown Publishing unless it's Bizzarre though, you'll get badly paid/stiffed.) |