So basically all the old guard that got bored of discussing the same old subjects on Barb Temple fucked off and made Liminal Nation, which, due to the fact they've already had every discussion under the sun about magick with each other, became a magick and media/music/stuff forum. Jason Louv went and had a nervous break down due to abramelin and made everyone hate him for being racist against voudou and the only other options are like OccultCorpus.com where people start threads about crystals and seeing shadow people in their bedrooms because they are 12 and like My Chemical Romance. Wherefore art thou new topics on magick? Why is the Occult community so damn boring these days? Does it have ANYTHING to say above a few basic practices? Be honest: most of those books on your shelf all contain variations on the same old things don't they? What forum do you frequent? What mask do thou magick wear and are you an incorrigible bore? Fuck sake someone say something cool and interesting and NEW about magick again. I'm all out of ideas.... |