anyone else see this? the midnight last thursday screening in boston was packed.
i liked a lot of things about it, but i thought the pacing was a little off - like the last third of the movie feels rushed and disjointed in a way that makes me feel like the suits got nervous about the running length and leaned on people to get it made shorter.
the cgi was really upsetting. especially because a lot of it just seemed to be in lieu of actually building a set. the light was wrong, the depth of field was wrong, the sepia toning was really flat and heavy handed, and i think they tried applying some sort of fake film grain to it that just didn't look right. and apparently it's a digital "print" and not film. am i the only person who thinks this looks awful? i just feel like i'm getting cheated, like, oh, it's cheaper not to bother doing this right, let's just do it on the computer.
there's a really noticeable watchmen movie influence on cap's costume, which was kind of a nice touch. it's a surprisingly realistic movie, given the subject matter. |