I can't think any more than he
He can't think any less than me
My face couldn't please more than hers
And I must speak with simple words
My father was intelligent
He sold his thoughts to the government
They replaced his mind with a radio
And loud deafening sounds within it flow
My father had a dream for me
In my day would be equality
I can't see how he could be
So blind to jeopardize what's free
Step up to them who know me well
And those who thought I was in jail
Announce I've come to bring real dance
Right now I must my only chance.
I'm bursting in with just one plea
I'm Your Emperor now, you see
Take off all that burdens you
Begin free thinking, start anew.
Total Equaility is a pleasant dream
By Vonnegut it's enough to scream
Ideal it is but one so lost
Besides there's be a bigger cost.
His father was intelligent
Pumped his head full of government
"Be patriotic for your country son,"
to bad the truth has been redone.
Vonnegut crushed his father's dream
When he woke to reality
'This Constitution no longer seems to keep at all what's free for me.'
Within that he began to write
disturbed fairytales of black and white
A twist to Orwell's 84'
Satire of an equality war.
He's bursting out with just one plea
trying to keep his sanity
Putting out the word he knows
Hoping to be heard by those. |