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Spam for the Album : FUCKNO

Char Aina
19:08 / 01.06.10
FUCKNO album cover by Paul Smith

FUCKNO is our latest compilation, designed to introduce some of the label's favourite liminal artists to our world and perhaps beyond. There are no artists in common with our last take on the oddball shit we like, NORAVE, because we figure that would be a bit of a waste of everybody's time.

We have tracks from 31 different outfits, spanning a fairly wide set of influences and sounds. Artists include Divorce, J-Lab, Kylie Minoise, Miaoux Miaoux, Dam Mantle, Texture(of Double Helix fame),Kids On TV, The Radiation Line, Blue Sabbath Black Fiji, and loads more. 22 more, in fact. To be fair, I've missed out some great stuff... Gummy Stumps, for example. Or UNOIKI's Dr. Nojoke collaborating with the Cumbrian born, Glasgow living traceur Kid Ritalin. Or the one-man prog-metal army that is Geoff Before Dishonour. And so on, and so on....

You can find more on the individual artists on Shallow Rave. Shallow Rave is the blog we curate, which played host to the 'Countdown to FUCKNO' throughout April, culminating with the release.
(The posts relating to FUCKNO are all tagged 'FUCKNO', but you can also find them with a by-date search for The Cruelest Month.)

This link will take you to the release post on Shallow Rave, whereas this is a direct link to a zipped download of FUCKNO and the related images from our own website.

Little rock Records have a soundcloud, where you can find a FUCKNO sampler and some other cool stuff. We also have a myspace, a twitter, and a radio show. We're also on a load of other sites, but then, isn't everyone?
01:23 / 02.06.10
That's not music, that's just noise. As my mum likes to say.

Only a few tracks in but some of it is rather good noise.

Thanks Mr.Canon, I'd been meaning to get some Kylie Minoise about a year ago but completely forgot.

I have a good friend who promotes music around Glasgow, unfortunately it tends to be rather shit music, I'll pass this along to him in the hope that he might get his act together. That will probably fail, so I'll pass it to people who like silly music too.
Char Aina
17:32 / 02.06.10
Glad you've found something worth passing on, dude. Hopefully the latter half of the album is even more your sort of thing...

It's not all noise.
Char Aina
13:47 / 26.06.10
FUCKNO ringtone for y'all:
Char Aina
14:02 / 26.06.10
I meant to say, the idea of making a small piece of music and calling it a ringtone(it's really just an audio file, you could have it on your ipod if you wanted) was inspired by a porject/website called Toneshared.

Real proper musicians and producers doing real proper music, short enough you can put it on your phone. Not quite crazy frog. Before I found that, I don't think I took the idea of ringtones seriously at all(While I'm not sure "seriously" is the best description of how I now take them, I have since made a few).

Here's a gentle one, by Vladislav Delay, and here's a harsh one, by KK Null.

I'm not sure how many of these will actually end up on phones, but I have used one myself, the latter of the above. The focus on short pieces does remind me of an interview I read once with Eno, regarding the music for Windows 1995:

"The idea came up at the time when I was completely bereft of ideas. I'd been working on my own music for a while and was quite lost, actually. And I really appreciated someone coming along and saying, 'Here's a specific problem -- solve it.' The thing from the agency said, 'We want a piece of music that is inspiring, universal, blah- blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic, sentimental, emotional,' this whole list of adjectives, and then at the bottom it said 'and it must be 3ΒΌ seconds long.' I thought this was so funny and an amazing thought to actually try to make a little piece of music. It's like making a tiny little jewel. In fact, I made 84 pieces. I got completely into this world of tiny, tiny little pieces of music. I was so sensitive to microseconds at the end of this that it really broke a logjam in my own work. Then when I'd finished that and I went back to working with pieces that were like three minutes long, it seemed like oceans of time."
Char Aina
12:32 / 05.08.10

We're celebrating our 3rd birthday at Little Rock, and so we're giving away a few things. The FUCKNO EP(Lil061) is one of those things.

It's a 7 track collection, comprised of the unmissable tracks we had no room for on FUCKNO;
In keeping with the spirit of NORAVE the tracks veer from post-crunk to delicate ambient, from noise-hop to torch song to a bizarre afro-rock-house jam to end it all. All tracks are at 320Mb and the whole thing clocks in at 49 minutes. Total artronica. Go get:

FUCKNO on Shallow Rave
FUCKNO EP zip link, direct
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