This sort of thing makes my blood boil.
'Science' is no more a reasonable catch-all term for a number of equally valid, or invalid, ideas about what reality is to do with than 'religion'.
There as many hack slags peddling dumb ass ideas about climate change, say, as there are about God.
For the sake of argument, God doesn't exist. But how does that excuse the increasingly hectoring tone adopted by the likes of Dawkins, Hitchens, etc? Obviously, they want to sell books, but that's about it, really, isn't it? Seeing as while denying evololution is a bit silly, 'science' can't, as far as I know, explain consciousness, either.
Perhaps naiively, I've always thought that religion, as opposed to 'religion!' is something that civilised people can agree to disagree about.
If the atheist lobby is, as seems to be more and more the case, hell-bent on breaking the compact, in that respect, then, fine.
But if so, what they're arguably attracting is the sort of hostility that the genuine sciencist, working away in a lab in pursuit of the truth, would want nothing to do with. Because it gets in the way. |