Is anybody aware of/ have seen something in/ are going to see something in the Mime Festival this year?
Mime-Fest link
For those of you unfamiliar with the Mime Festival, how does the name wash with you, given that it is a festival of circus and visual theatre, and puppetry? Is the name outdated, or come with too many preconceptions for those not in the industry to consider picking up a brochure?
Does the kind of work it encompasses benefit from the festival programming visual theatre to visual theatre makers, or does it genuinely open up new and exciting work for the general public?
So far, I have seen Öper Öpis, which seemed to be little more than a very long research and development period on an incredible tilting stage, with no vision of the finished product, story or message it may convey; and when realising it was a little dull, added in a couple of world-class circus acts to cheer things up.
Eshet, however, had a very clear story, told with puppets and hebrew songs, but the slightly monotonous pace missed the ready-made drama of the old-testament tale. I came out neither loving nor disliking the piece, and I'm sure if you ask me about it in a year's time, I won't remember a single thing about it.
As for upcoming shows, I'm most excited about Ockham's Razor's new show, The Mill, for which they have developed a new piece of aerial equipment- a wood and steel wheel suspended seven metres high . Video
Perhaps most of all, I look forward to Compagnie Ieto, in a purely selfish interest of seeing a 2-handed circus theatre show with a relatively barren set. Video |