Playing on a sideproject, I found an interesting article about an attempt to grow human flesh for culinary purposes. In the US, there's already a growing fashion for cloning domestic meat. And to further illustrate how enthusiastically the world of business is finding our scientific advancement, on an NPR article about cloned meat, there was a side story of supposedly allergy free cat cloning.
Designer world, here we come. Makes me want to watch Repo! again. Except, in this world, I don't think Giles will be singing.
Can we take a quick poll? Would you eat cloned human?
Could we bridge from the Temple? Theoretically, (and I know there's no way to prove anything here), what are people's ideas about clones, metaphysically? Do they share the same soul? Does the 'soul' imprint in any way on DNA? Would clones share a consciousness, however minute?
And if we ever get there, what would be the implications of a giant clone-cow industry, where the meat is produced from a handful of stock individuals? Would all their pain and fear be united? If it's a possible future, is there any way to tap that energy?
Or we could just stick with the 'human temptation' survey. |