My friend has a friend who started a sick forum which is like a breakaway forum from a degenerate poker site that isnt really about poker.
The new site is the best looking site I have ever seen in my life, and as a kind of joke, my friend was given his own section which is called "Mikhail's Fortress of Awesomeness".
He's trying to get members to post over there as the core membership isn't very interested in comics, horror movies, things like that, and I told him there are people here who could write thesis papers on the history of zombie movies or the Green Lantern Corps.
The main site itself is a little different than Barbelith, it's an offshoot of an uncensored forum, so there are a lot of jokes and "satire" that some may find in bad taste, but the Mikhail Awesome Fortress subforum is our little pocket of the site and will be well moderated.
It's pretty dead right now, but thought I could recruit some members. You can write anything you want about all kindsa comicbook/sci fi/horror type stuff.
Like I said pretty slow there right now as its kinda a joke forum to the main forum, but you can totally nerd out over there.

The signup process is pretty easy. They do have mod approval for new membership, but there are like 3 mods on 24/7 and they are pretty much autoapproving members. If I remember there are 2 questions when applying, the answer to the what is the site based on is "poker". There is also a question about penis size, but I don't believe they actually check so you can answer however you want.
The main site is Borispoker.com, here's a link. When you sign up you can ignore the main forum if you want and go directly towards Mikhail's Fortress of Awesomeness.
I know it's usually a bitch to sign up for a new forum, but this one is relatively easy, it looks sick, and the Fortress is like a one man show right now and could use some help. |