I was listening to one of my favorite shows, Spark from cbc radio, and they talked about Things My Friends Have Written On The Internet. I was thinking about this format for a while for online comics, putting together work in the same way that Wednesday Comics put together their work, as giveaways for my friend's comic shop. I thought it would be a neat way to get the word out about neat online comics to a fanbase that may not read online comics but who like comics as a whole. Maybe I could even throw out some comic blogs with their URLs for people to read instead of something like CSN, which doesn't necessarily talk about indy stuff.
Is this a feasible idea? The way it seems to work in "Things Our Friends..." is that they piggy-back on newsprint presses...passing a few bucks to someone to print our paper after they print out the free paper, but I'm still not sure. I'd love to play around with designing papers, just as a lark for my favorite comic shop, but it feels like it will be a pretty penny to do something as a lark.
But in a time when newspapers are going under, it feels like something akin to "citizen comics/blogs" could be retrofitted back into newsprint and make a new model viable. Is this worth it? Or is this just too "Steven Berlin Johnson's Old Growth Media .
Your thoughts? |