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The Apprentice series 5


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Alex's Grandma
01:08 / 24.04.09
Indeed. 'Tractor. Tractor is good. You will eat, or die in Gulag work camp, alone, freezing, in snow. Calling out for Mama'.
Whisky Priestess
15:12 / 28.04.09
Hammer and Sickle Cereal.

I especially liked the way the white lettering didn't really show up properly against the fluorescent green background. And how there was almost nothing on the box, and what there was, was shit.

Poor Kim fooling herself with that old line: Sir Alan will live to regret his decision. Oh yeah. Like he actually gives a fuck ...
Janean Patience
15:56 / 28.04.09
You could have marshmallow hammers and puffed wheat sickles. And a fun Communist bear on the front of the packet driving a tractor. There. It's themed after genocidal regimes, and it's still better than Pantsman.

There are Americans here aren't there? Maybe not on this thread. But is "rough, tough cream puff" actually a US turn of phrase? Doesn't the "cream puff" bit kind of negate what precedes it?
Whisky Priestess
19:17 / 28.04.09
The sort of cream puff that explodes in your mouth. And not in a good way. A tactical antipersonnel cream puff.
Janean Patience
05:34 / 29.04.09
For at least one confused news report after shoe-bomber Richard Reid was caught, I was under the impression that someone had attempted to down a plane by detonating a Choux bun.
Whisky Priestess
14:33 / 30.04.09
Well come on then. Who saw the plaguey cross on that particular gentleman's door last night?
Alex's Grandma
17:18 / 30.04.09
It was more the hovering angel of death that gave the game away for me.
19:35 / 30.04.09
And both Hugin and Munin had it out for him. He should be glad he managed to get out of there without having his eyes pecked out.

I wonder if siralan changed the rules of the task just to get him though. It started out with "sell as much as you can", and then it turned into "turn the highest profit on the items you do sell". As before, I missed bits here and there, so I don't know if the same team would have lost under the starting rules.
Alex's Grandma
02:05 / 07.05.09
Well there we are. Proof positive, if ever there was, that in a business situation, love is for fools.

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