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Mornington Crescent?

Jawsus-son Starship
15:47 / 12.01.09
I expect a good clean game, and will not tolerate any of that overt QT nonsense.

It'll make the second move an utter chore, but I'll start with Chesham.
16:01 / 12.01.09
I'll go Blake
Poke it with a stick
16:49 / 12.01.09
Harrow on the Hill and I call Double Jeopardy (we're still using Fumbling's Rules, aren't we?)
Eek! A Freek!
16:51 / 12.01.09
National pride forces me to call Canada Water and claim a blue star.
Jawsus-son Starship
18:18 / 12.01.09
we're still using Fumbling's Rules, aren't we?

Only if we're planning on future repeaters. Judging by Quantum's move this would be illegal.

I'll allow you to continue.
18:48 / 12.01.09
Wait - why would starting on Blake make future repeaters legal?

Euston Square, by the way.
Jawsus-son Starship
18:59 / 12.01.09
Gotta bring in, for example, a Covent Garden. Blake shuts off the end game for most future repeaters by disallowing Huxley's Gambit. I mean, this is bush league stuff guys.

Talking of guys, (feathers not dots), I bring in Finsbury Park

Like the owl, 2-8-2-0.
Poke it with a stick
19:28 / 12.01.09
Goldhawk Road and I invoke Pelham's ABC for alternate turns.

(sporting of you to indulge my ignorance, Happy Birthday Jawsus, old man)
Eek! A Freek!
19:47 / 12.01.09
But surely Blake allows for Hinkley's Gambit thus allowing me to play All Saint's...
Whisky Priestess
14:52 / 13.01.09
You fools.

15:49 / 13.01.09
Elephant and Castle
15:50 / 13.01.09
No... shit.... Pelham's ABC, right?

West Harrow then.
16:29 / 13.01.09
Oh, illegal. Right.

Back for me to Canary Wharf.
Poke it with a stick
16:36 / 13.01.09
Gospel Oak.

At this point I'd like to raise an objection at the way this is being playing out - strong arm tactics are something that I thought we'd all left behind after the Cadiz debacle.
Eek! A Freek!
16:55 / 13.01.09
6th post of the day! I Get to play the District Line Tuesday Bonus!!!

I call:

East Ham
Stamford Brook
Dagenham east
Acton town
and upneY
19:03 / 13.01.09
strong arm tactics are something that I thought we'd all left behind after the Cadiz debacle.

Yeah, Yeah. Boo Hoo.

Shunt it or shut it.
Poke it with a stick
05:15 / 14.01.09
Seven Sisters and I'll take an extra card from the Insolvency Chest.
14:00 / 14.01.09
What? What're we using for a chest here? Something on the wiki?

Are you sure we're in Fumbling's rules? If we can draw, then I'm going to Pimlico and walking for a turn to Westminster.

But if we *can't* draw, then I'm shunting to Waterloo, putting freektemple in nid and making MC in, I think, three moves, depending.
14:06 / 14.01.09
(as a note, this game just led me to this marvelous wikipedia page on transit typefaces.)
Whisky Priestess
14:38 / 14.01.09
I love that typefaces can be humanist, minuscule and grotesque. They're better than subatomic particles!

And Baker Street in case you thought I'd forgotten.

*(Kilburn if cached)
Poke it with a stick
17:54 / 14.01.09
I know it's a cliché, but I'm going down the de Carabas Variant route and playing Knightsbridge.
Eek! A Freek!
18:27 / 14.01.09
Oh you scaley bastard! Place me in nid, will you? Fine, I'll take the penalty but then I'll take Bank and call District Trumps!
Deal mofo's!
18:14 / 15.01.09
Wait, does that mean I'm at Westminster or Waterloo?
07:38 / 16.01.09
Jawsus-son Starship
15:38 / 16.01.09
Isn't Grant on the lam now? Miss a turn miss a turn now you get to kiss a worm. Therefore I invoke Waterloo.
15:47 / 16.01.09
No, that means we're *both* at Waterloo. I'm inbound from Zone 2 East, and you're coming down from the north (although why you didn't stop at Charing Cross is beyond me - the postal strike delay shouldn't be an issue for two more rounds, if we're using the '78 rules). There's actually room for four more players here, depending.

So, I'm taking the white to Farringdon.

Catch me if you can.
Eek! A Freek!
16:19 / 16.01.09
I take Royal Oak and call PubQuiz for the right to take two extra turns or to forfeit Golder's Green to the person who answers it correctly:

Who claimed to be named Mr. Underhill while at The Prancing Pony and to whom did he claim it?

(Anyone caught googling the answer has to go back three spaces.)
Alex's Grandma
12:06 / 17.01.09
Frodo Baggins and dunno. Aragorn/Strider?
Alex's Grandma
12:06 / 17.01.09
Or was it Bilbo?

(East Putney).
Jawsus-son Starship
08:08 / 19.01.09
Hang on a minute, how have I ended up at Embankment? I've gone wrong somewhere.
10:38 / 19.01.09
You line-switched me at Bond Street.

I'm currently sitting pretty at St. Paul's.
Jawsus-son Starship
20:15 / 02.02.09
So no moves today; unless I can get down to Highbury and Islington, though don't think I can.
Poke it with a stick
21:31 / 02.02.09
Well, I'm heading to Wapping (Utilising my Zone 82 card).

Has anyone crossed the streams, yet?
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