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Grant Morrison Documentary

Mike Phillips
14:41 / 28.12.08
Hello all,

Sequart Research & Literacy Organization is gearing up to film its first (of hopefully many!) documentary. And what better subject to start with than Mr. Morrison. Along with Grant himself, we're going to TRY to interview as many of Grant's collaborators as possible.

Which brings me to you, Morrison Faithfuls. We want to make something that his fans would love so:
1) Please post questions that you'd like us to ask Grant.
2) Who should we try to interview besides Grant? What should we ask them besides, "What's it like to work with Grant?"
3) If you have contact with anyone who can aid this project in any way, send me a message.

Thanks so much.
15:21 / 28.12.08
Oh, Joy! I suspect that to all the Morrison Faithfuls on Barbelith it will seem like all their Christmases have come at once!

Can you ask him....

1: Has he seen and, if so, what does he think of Frank Millers 'The Spirit' movie?

2: Is he still in contact with that Alien thing he met on that mountain that time?
15:39 / 28.12.08
3) Can schizophrenics process semaphore?

Seriously, dude, you can just post here saying PLEASE BUY THIS PRODUCT, you know. Nobody cares any more. There are about a dozen people still kicking around here who'll go for it.
Mike Phillips
15:43 / 28.12.08
Haus, you're slippin' kid! I fully expected you to be Sarcastic Poster #1.

Try to be a little quicker on the draw next time
15:50 / 28.12.08
I refer you to my previous comment re: Nobody caring any more.

We used to frown on marketplace posts from people who used Barbelith to promote their products, sell their back issues &c., but at this stage there isn't much will to try to improve the general quality of contribution, and there are a good few people whose sense of self-worth is intimately connected with their ability to purchase things that give them a sense of closeness to the Divine, and they might get a kick out of the whole process.
Mike Phillips
15:59 / 28.12.08
Wow. Self-worth aside, I'd just like to see if the dozen people you mentioned in your first post would be interested in helping us out.

You can simply ignore me because you "don't care anymore". Right?
16:13 / 28.12.08
You're an editor, old chap: follow the logic of the sentence. The status of not caring any more is related to the presence of mercantile topics. Therefore, if anything, I should get involved, because we are as a community no longer bothered about trying to police the use of Barbelith as a place to monetise fan dedication.

4) Were those sigils on the Robbie Williams album a deadly majickal Trojan horse? Post-Rudebox, the rest of Take That are getting M&S adverts. What were the sigils intended to do? Is Robbie, as we have oft suspected, a Lloigor agent?
Aha! I am Klarion
17:51 / 28.12.08
1) What specific magickal rituals or practices have most informed your writing.

2) What films, literature, arts, and music have most influenced you?

3) What would be your ideal comic or line of comics?

4) What is your philosophy of money and class warfare (esp. how this applies to characters like Mason Lang and Batman.)?

5) Any advice (do's and don't's) for the neophyte magical practitioner?

6) Seriously, who is the Black Glove?

7) Which of your works would you most like to see explode in the popular culture (i.e. to become a movie, t.v. series, or a Sandman style cross over hit)?
19:47 / 28.12.08
You see, dude? If you build it...
Mike Phillips
20:17 / 28.12.08
Oh, my mistake, Haus. You're an insightful person. I appreciate all of your help in this matter. Please feel free to stop by our booth at the New York Comic Con so I can thank you personally. We'll have a laugh about all of this
Spatula Clarke
21:42 / 28.12.08
And Haus, if you want to use the opportunity to spam out some free marketing for your own project, while also getting all of his customers to do your research for you, then I'm sure he'd be be equally happy.
22:42 / 28.12.08
Actually, doesn't seem to load in Firefox or Safari, so I might struggle a bit with that, Randy.

There are some interesting questions about the way comics fandom does research, and the extent to which these projects are and are not contributing to the idea of comics as a mainstream field of study, but this is probably not the place to do it.
Mike Phillips
22:47 / 28.12.08
Thanks for your input Adam! Some great questions there!

Oh, and Mr. Dupre, that's not fair, dawg! We definitely have a lot of questions lined up already, so no one is going to be doing the research for us. I just thought it'd be fun to get some questions we might not have thought of. But thanks for helping keep the thread at the top
Alex's Grandma
12:10 / 29.12.08
1) Hi Grant. What are you working on at the moment?

2) It's just that you've been married for a few years now, but there haven't been any babies yet! Is this a deliberate decision, or is it something to do with all those drugs you polluted your body with back in the Nineties?

3) Famously, you shaved your head. Would you have done that if nature hadn't been forcing your hand, rather?

4) Magic. If it's all that all that, put a curse on me, you bastard, and see where it gets you.

5) As far as 'the big reveal' about the Black Glove goes, do you feel bad about lying to your thousands of fans, worldwide?

6) What's happened to those films you had in development? I believe 'Area 51' and 'Sleepless Knights'?

7) On a related note, how do you feel about Mark Millar's recent success in Hollywood, when you taught the wee shite everything he knows?

8) Everyone knows you read Barbelith, but what do you think of it these days?

9) Can you buy me a beer? I wouldn't ask, but I'm a bit short at the moment.
Mike Phillips
16:53 / 29.12.08
LOVE question #7 Grandma!
Alex's Grandma
17:20 / 29.12.08
If you ask him that (in a roundabout way, obviously; at least, you'd have to soften him up a bit first) then there'll be massive props heading your way from here in the retirement home.

It must bother him slightly. That his one-time apprentice has surpassed him, if not artistically, then in most other ways.

If you really want to do the big man's head in, you could go on to ask Grant if his decision to work on 'Final Crisis' wasn't in part motivated by feelings of existential dread brought on by the success of 'Civil War'.
Benny the Ball
18:51 / 29.12.08
From what I've seen of Mr Morrison, he is someone who you'll have little problem getting to talk on a given subject.

I'd like to know how the whole making the DC Universe real is going.
20:01 / 29.12.08
1) Did he have a nice Christmas?

Were those sigils on the Robbie Williams album a deadly majickal Trojan horse?

I've a story to tell about that, but now's not the time.
21:10 / 29.12.08
Do you also have some preview tapes of the next Doctor Who episode, iamus? Oh, sorry. IDENTITY CRISIS!
22:53 / 29.12.08
More seriously:

2) Brian K Vaughan. Seriously, what's up with that?
23:38 / 29.12.08
3) In 1999 you said, 'I have a dream. And I'd like to be the first to salute les enfants du siècle.'

Was that a metaphor?
23:50 / 29.12.08
4) Any chance we can see you return to England and 2000ad? It would make an old, broken man happy if you can re-start A.C.E Trucking Co.
02:35 / 30.12.08
Do you also have some preview tapes of the next Doctor Who episode, iamus?

They've not been filmed yet, silly.

I have no idea what the sigil means. It's a different story.
+#'s, - names
13:49 / 30.12.08
Haus, thanks for reminding me why I rarely come on Barbelith anymore.
14:34 / 30.12.08
Welcome back for 2009!!
16:30 / 30.12.08
Absolutely! So glad I could tempt you back in, dude!

Meanwhile, I still can't get to render in Safari, which is kind of worrying.
+#'s, - names
18:08 / 31.12.08
Yeah dude, seriously awesome to remember that trolls come in all shapes and sizes, and even show up as moderators.
23:42 / 31.12.08
I am not a moderator in the Comic Books forum, old chap, or a moderator in the Creation, where this thread was moved by people who are moderators in the Comic Books forum. Perhaps your ire could be better directed elsewhere. I imagine there are many things in your life far less satisfying than my continued existence.

Also, happy new year!
Alex's Grandma
17:04 / 03.01.09
10) I know this is a bit sudden, but ... I think I'd quite like it, maybe, if you hit me hard, in the face. I know you work out ... So don't hold back. A punch thrown that doesn't draw blood isn't a punch thrown with love, after all.
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