They come in, they start stupid threads and then they bloody storm out of them in a huff because god forbid one of those 2 year olds dares to try and subvert the thread so that it makes sense. We have to do something about them. We have to ban them. Ban the elderly.
Probably be a good idea to get a few hundred posts in a policy thread entitled "Are the Barbelith Elders worth banning?" before we start the real procrastinating.
Watch out Elders, one more slip up and I'll put a request in policy for Tom to add a banning function for n00bs.
Never mind banning you, I will just beat you over the head with a barbed-wire encrusted zimmer frame. Much more satisfying, if a bit messy. But then again cleaning up messes is what the home help is for.
Oh look there's old man grant and his f*&%^$£ corgi's again. Jesus I hate those things. They remind me of this time when I met this girl and I loved her and she dated my best friend even though I put my jumper on a puddle so she wouldn't get her shoes too wet. God and what is it with these old people everywhere, they're like squalling toddlers. God.
Never mind banning you, I will just beat you over the head with a barbed-wire encrusted zimmer frame. Much more satisfying, if a bit messy. But then again cleaning up messes is what the home help is for.
I imagine Granny to be:
1/3 Brenda Blethyn from Secrets and Lies,
1/3 Judi Dench from Notes on a Scandal
1/3 Gin from Marks and Spencers
The last one permeating the whole.
All the while mourning and weeping in this valley of tears we call Barbelith.