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Is one more too much?

03:06 / 25.11.08
Recently a friend of mine watching the History Channel commented on his disgust at seeing actors wearing the SS uniform. My view is that it is used to tell the story so that we know what happened and to make sure it doesn't happen again. But he feels that it is done, the movies and history is in archives, its time to move on.

What do you think? Should history be told once and left behind by society, even saved in an archive, and move on to other issues? I'd like to collect other options, either for or against or ones I can't think of, to give to him.
Evil Scientist
07:42 / 25.11.08
I'm a little confused. Does your friend think that people should no longer be educated about historical events or that they should be expected to dig up the info themselves? Given that the program that provoked his disgust was on the History Channel I'm not sure what he was expecting (if he wants to ignore history then there are hundreds of other channels which never show historical documentaries or dramatisations of real events).

WWII is still within living memory (ie there are still people alive who were involved in the war), and the era had a massive effect on how the world is today.

But even if we ignore that, and those oft-repeated "...doomed to repeat it." and "Never again." quotes. There is still a large amount of information about the era (and every other era in history) to be revealed. In the case of the Second World War there are files that are only now seeing the light of day due to the Official Secrets Act (and other national versions of the same) keeping them under lock-and-key for a set time.

If we simply decided we knew everything about a specific era and then consigned it to the archives we'd be missing out on a whole lot of information.
Alex's Grandma
08:08 / 25.11.08
What sort of stuff is your friend thinking of? 'The Eagle Has Landed', that kind of thing? Endless documentaries about how 'we' won?

If so, I can understand his exasperation - must the Second World War, as the last 'good' one, be re-fought nightly on the History channel? Especially as a tacit excuse for grubbier antics in Iraq, or wherever.

On the other hand though, the first really serious films about Nazi Germany are, arguably, only just starting to emerge. Something like 'Downfall', in which the great actor Bruno Ganz plays Hitler in the bunker as the experiment finally, disastrously, comes off the rails, probably couldn't have been made much before 2004.

There's enough distance, now, in a way there wasn't in the past, for the higher SS ranks to be treated, cinematically, or in novels, plays, etc, as the human beings they after all were. To dismiss them as monsters is to avoid the point. Which is, that it could quite easily happen again. And so on.

That's actually quite an obvious and boring point to make, but still, I'd highly recommend sitting your pal down in front of 'Downfall'. At three hours plus it's not an easy watch, but it is (my slightly facetious on-line persona aside) genuinely terrific.
Anna de Logardiere
15:18 / 25.11.08
Like your friend I sometimes feel disgusted not because I think these programmes shouldn't be made but because the focus is so often placed on the WWII. There have been instances with higher death counts, the history of our planet since has become complicated and fascinating, we're living through the results of colonial rule, the Eastern bloc, all kinds of things have happened in Asia but the emphasis is so often on Hitler. Sometimes it seems like history is being swallowed by one event and you have to seek out other information whereas this stamps on your head once every six months.
Jot Evil Rules During Weddings
15:39 / 25.11.08
I agree there is a very western focus on the History Channel. There are a lot more documentaries on WWI and WWII then other wars or periods in history. I agree that they should show less stuff on WWII, not that they should get rid of it all together. People cannot forget WWII, but the History Channel should be showing a much broader view of history than they currently are
Alex's Grandma
18:43 / 25.11.08
Not to bait Alphonse, Nina.

He won't be able to control himself.
Anna de Logardiere
20:37 / 25.11.08
I have a lot of affection for that neo-nazi lizard.
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