Since – according to the way humour books are sold - we all suddenly remember we like a laugh as Xmas approaches, I thought I’d alert ‘lithers to the existence of the TVGoHome book, which I bought last night, and which caused me to laugh like a fool on the train home (still, I got two seats to myself, can’t knock that).
It is, unsurprisingly, based on the magnificent website http://www.tvgohome.com .
It's a mix of old stuff, and new features (there's a glorious Daily Mail parody) which they wouldn't be able to fit on a single screen.
About 120 pages, many of which are good and text-heavy, all in colour, on high grade paper, well bound, with a cover price of £9.99.
It was on the table next to the Ali G book in Waterstones, so I looked at that as well. More expensive (granted, it's a hardback) but it did seem to be a bit more of an obvious cash-in - lots of full-page pictures and the like. I know which one's likely to sell better, but I think it may not necessarily be the better piece of work.
Apologies if this appears to gush, but it’s very funny indeed. And that’s putting it mildly.