It doesn't really matter what the body is made of, but I'd guess it'll be mostly plastic. Whatever material it is, just strip the body back and rebuild around the stuff you need, like the engine, using similar materials. Remember; if you make it too heavy it will lose power. If you make it too enclosed it will overheat. Beyond that, experimentation is the only way to learn, and ingenuity and resourcefulness are your best friends.
That, and reading the manual. I googled, but I didn't find a Haynes. If you can, though, that shit will help you do more than just style.
Remember to check out junkyards for materials(or, if you're lucky, whole pieces of shell you can use)
I'd also suggest looking at other chops and customs, on scooters and on other vehicles, to get yourself in the mood and to give you ideas.

See how they've used motorbike pieces on scooters? One of my mates built a chopper style Lambretta, using motorbike forks. Handled like shit, but looked fucking cool.
Not as cool as this one, though: