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Pelecanos, Lehane, Price and The Wire - Check spoiler warning

Trudy Kockenlocker
22:00 / 15.09.08
**Spoiler Policy**

I have one ep to go. One. Then it's over. So please please please don't post anything to do with what happens in the last ep. Til Sunday night.

So, I've been reading Pelecanos, Price and Lehane as a side project to S5 of The Wire, although I'd read some of their stuff before I'd seen the show (I love a good pOlice novel). Been struck not only by the fact American crime writing is telling these important stories - while the rest of the media churns out paedo scare stories and Midsomer Murders police procedurals - but also the fact whole scenes from novels by Price and Pelecanos in particular are replicated in The Wire.

This is not in any way a criticism - I've some thoughts on why - but whaddy'all think? Any takers?
08:06 / 16.09.08
I think having this thread in two fora is likely to lead to confusion. Assuming that the books element is going to drive this discussion, I'd suggest directing people to here and locking this thread.
Trudy Kockenlocker
09:45 / 17.09.08
Still grappling with etiquette, I guess. Was hoping for two different audiences posting on the two threads - if no one minds I might leave both open and see what happens for a short while....
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