I really can't think of a better way to organise my music collection. Genre first then alphabetical.
Granted it's not perfect but I get to pick what music is what genre as opposed to something like bpm or period. It's also quite far reaching. I can't imagine many other categories, aside from artist/album, with which I could hit random and be fairly sure it would fit the bill. If you're looking for mood sorting I reckon assigning traditional genre is probably more effective than trying to assign a particular mood to every song you own song.
I'm sure there are plenty ideological under-pinnings surrounding everyone's perception of specific genres, I don't see a huge problem unless there is more than one person managing the music collection.
The beauty of most computer based music managers is the ability to use so many ways to sort and sub-sort your music. I'm currently listening to folk genre music recorded in 2002, it happens to be traditional Jewish music and I have no idea what period or mood I would class it as.
Have you found any other searching/sorting methods more useful? |