I've seen most of the major speeches (Michelle Obama, both Clintons, Kerry, and Biden), and a few of the also rans (Tammy Duckworth from Illinois Veteran's Affairs was spectacular). Overall, I think the pacing and tone of the messages has been well thought out. Mrs. Obama's speech talked up the Obama's lives, accomplishments, and family histories in a compelling and skillful way. Both Clinton speeches emphasized uniting behind the candidate, with Hillary's call to unanimously nominate Obama as the candidate in the middle of the roll call acting as a wonderful exclamation point to their praise of the candidate. John Kerry took the gloves off and hammered McCain and the Rove-Swift Boater Slime Machine, while contrasting him with Obama (and where was that John Kerry in '04?!?). Finally, Biden went full steam after his friend, John, and really tore some holes in the attacks the McCain camp has been launching against Obama. It's been like watching a skillful poker player control the action at the table, and I'm feeling pretty confident in the Obama staff and the candidate himself. Dare I say it, they seem to actually know what they're doing!
I watched the proceedings last night on CSPAN, as I just couldn't take the over-analysis from the pundits any longer. I am so tired of hearing them question and re-question if Hillary means what she says. I thought her speech was brilliant, especially when she asked her supporters if they voted for her or the policies and ideals that she stood for. That should have done it, but then the 'heads bring in a body language expert to break down her gestures and such so they can continue the story they want to tell. Sadly, I don't think she'll ever have a hope of shutting them up.
Do you think that the flag waving is really to make the audience seem more interactive and responsive for the cameras?
Oh, it absolutely is. It's not just the American flags either. There's a vast array of signage on display out there, if you watch the crowd shots closely. Obama '08 signs, vertical Biden signs, Hillary signs, 2-sided No McCain/Obama for President signs. All deployed at the proper time for the proper speech in between camera shots. Watch for the floor crews that distribute and collect the things between and during speeches. I'm pretty sure they're the dudes in the neon-green mesh-vests. It's spectacle, specifically designed for broadcast and dissemination. Just like the staging and the seating arrangements and every other detail of the convention.
But, even knowing all that, and the references to God and Country and Patriotism and suchlike... I'm enjoying watching the whole thing. I'm enjoying the punches that are landing on McCain's metaphorical nose. I'm enjoying the optimism and the calls for unity and action and involvement. I've shed a quiet tear or two at the stories of combat veterans and the repeated calls for universal healthcare. I'm feeling the hope, simple-minded sucker that I am. And I cannot wait for Barack Obama's speech tonight.
Thanks for starting this thread, XK. I'd been tempted to start something similar myself, but wasn't sure how much interest it would generate. I'm glad you took the initiative. |