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The Fool presents "Strange Organics - Season 6"

the Fool
03:21 / 11.07.08

Collecting my organics pieces from late 2005 to now.

Everything you have will vanish

Deeper Skins

Goodbye Forever

The path of good intent

The Gates of Terror

From the pit into the sun

Lessons of the fish and the pig

The future without fear

Bonus Organics

From the pit into the sun - animated construction

the end of organics season 6. thank you for your attention.

The organics series is complied here.
05:16 / 11.07.08
These are very cool, and I particularly like being able to see a single work progress through various stages of completion -- is there any way I can alter the speed at which the images change, though? At the current speed it feels a little 'flickery' or visually distressing, and I don't get the sense that I can really examine the changes.

Has anybody asked you to design a tattoo based on these designs?
the Fool
05:41 / 11.07.08
is there any way I can alter the speed at which the images change, though? At the current speed it feels a little 'flickery' or visually distressing, and I don't get the sense that I can really examine the changes.

I posted all the images within the animated one over in the drawing salon. There, you can see them all as separate images.

Has anybody asked you to design a tattoo based on these designs?

LOL! Yes, many times. But asking is usually as far as it goes. The only tattoo based on my designs that exists is the one I have myself, and its not really like this. Its much more solid...
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