So, thinking about this, I have plucked the first three incidents from Neon Snake's homeland that sprang to mind. I realise that this is unscientific, but it's a discussion-starter.
Very recently, the Dundee police published a poster publicising their non-emergency phone line. The poster featured Rebel, a German shepherd puppy who had been training as a police dog. Rebel is pretty darned adorable:

However! All is not well. This article from the Telegraph explains it all. Except, you know, it doesn't. It does say some interesting things, though. For example:
But some Muslims in the Dundee area have reportedly been upset by the image
Funny thing is, the Telegraph is a newspaper.That is, it is a thing that reports. If these Muslims have reportedly been upset, it is the job of the paper to record it. Compare and contrast the mild befuddlement registered in the local papera.
So, according to that paper, councillor Mohammed Asif was the source of the complaint - the PC policeman, if you like. But, actually, he seems quite reasonable about it as well:
My concern was that it is not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards. It was probably a waste of resources going to these communities. The police should have understood.
"Since then the police have explained that it was an oversight on their part and that if they had seen it was going to cause upset they would not have done it.
"People who have shops just will not put up the postcard. But the police have said to me that it was simply an oversight and they did not seek to offend or upset."
So, he thinks the Police messed up, but, you know, they said sorry, and it was just an oversight. The Police say something very similar, really. That they should have run it past their diversity people, but that they forgot, and they are sorry about that.
If anything, then, the PC Police are the Police themselves - specifically, the Police's diversity advisors, but actually, far from controlling the agenda, they were totally forgotten about. No harm seems to have been done, though, ultimately. The only people who seem to be really agitated, in fact, are the readers of the Daily Telegraph. Who are a bunch of fucking nutbars.
So, PC Police? Not so much. Diversity advisors to the actual Police, yes, but that's a bit different. Direct intervention? Also, not so much. Lunatic abreaction by Islamophobes? Oh yes. |