There's something to be said for the way in which they were written, too. Gunslinger was a series of short stories he wrote over like, seven years, and are filled with, I think, the most exciting mysterious bits of Roland's tale, largely because the actualy mytholgy hadn't been entirely concieved yet.
Everything else was written in full book form, and with a real attempt to concrete the idea, and flesh it out finally.
Of course, with Invisibles rambling around in our brains, Dark Tower becomes almost simple, as it's just simply the post apocalyptic adventures of Alice the Hobbit, in the sort of place where the monster from IT came from, the dark meta universe, the outer church, or maybe it's just a flower dying in New York somewhere, somewhen.
That's just the way he writes, though, the elephantitis thing. You have to put up with the few extra hundred pages. When he redoes things, they usually get longer, look at the stand thing. I read both, I think the longer one was better, but I like the directors cut of terminator 2 more too.
I have to say, the scenes, I'm not sure which book they were in, I think the third one, where they're getting Jake out of that weird school, and he's writing that weird Blain is a pain beat poetry nonsense... that part really stayed with me for a while.
mbz |