There's nothing better than a book with a great ending. In fact, lots of my all time favourites have great endings.
Delight in the genius of the following:
quote:Yossarian jumped. Nately's whore was hiding just outside the door. the knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.
- Catch 22
quote:If a were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; I would climb to the top of Mount McCabe and lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would take from the ground some of the blue-white poison that makes statues of men; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, and thumbing my nose at You Know Who.
- Cat's Cradle
quote:I am Robert Blake, but I see the tower in the dark. There is a monstrous odour ... senses transfigured... boarding at that tower window cracking and giving way... Ia... ngai... ygg...
I see it - coming here - hell-wind - titan blue - black wings - Yog-Sothoth save me - the three-lobed burning eye...
-The Haunter of the Dark
quote:The kids continued to stare at us. At the two political prisoners, old men to them, worn and dirty and defeated, eating their lunches, now, in silence. The transistor radio continued to play. Even more loudly. And, in the wind, I could hear others starting up everywhere. By the kids, I thought, the kids!
-Radio Free Albemuth
Unbeatable. |